Wild Thoughts

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*TW: This chapter contains scenes of heavy, violent smut. Three asterisks (***) mark the beginning and end of that section if you would like to skip.

Hux was standing on the bottom of the Senate floor, below endless rows of balconies. Leia and two other candidates stood next to him, their aides a few paces behind them. Ap'lek and Vicrul came up onto the platform with you, sucking in a painful breath as you made eye contact with Dane. You looked away quickly; of course he was still here, of course he would remain Leia's aide, standing at her side just as you stood by Hux's. Hux turned back to grin at you as the platform rose a hundred feet into the air, a thunderous applause echoing in the cavernous chamber. It reminded you of gunshots. He reached out for you, and you took his hand as he pulled you gently forward to stand not behind him like the other aides, but directly next to him, like an equal. You could feel the anger emanating off of Dane like the heat of white-hot flame at your back.

"As we commence this gathering today, I want to take a moment to commemorate all that we have lost." The interim Chancellor said, a Candovantan female who stood a whole head shorter than you, but her presence commanded the room. "It's been a very difficult several months. The circumstances in which I became the leader of this governing body were far from ideal, and I am happy to pass the reigns on to one of these very worthy candidates." Hux's hand brushed your arm. "So finally, all of our candidates will make their final remarks, and the voting will commence." Two male candidates gave their speeches, generic remarks about unity and creating lasting peace for a galaxy so recently ravaged by war and devastation. One of them, a human male from Ubardia, seemed kind enough, in the genuine way that showed through his eyes when he looked at each of his opponents in turn, nodding. Leia was next, stepping up to the Chancellor's podium and looking out of the balconies full of senators.

"As I look out on the faces, I see many colleagues, but even more friends. I've dedicated my life to service, to what is good and just, to bring light where many only know darkness." Something in your throat tightened. "I'm sure you are all aware of the article that has been circulating the holonet today. I'm here to tell you that the rumor is true." The silence was deafening. "Darth Vader was my father." The room broke out in shocked gasps, then hundreds of whispers that swelled to a crescendo. You snuck a glance up at Hux, at the small, satisfied smirk on his face. You felt an urge to smack it off, to grab his chin in a rough grip, forcing him to respect her. You took a breath, coming back to the room, to where Leia was attempting to continue her speech. Eventually, the room quieted enough for her to continue.

"I refuse to lie, and I won't soften the truth. My father was an evil man and he headed an evil organization, but he is my father by blood alone. Bail Organa, the man that raised me, is my true father. And he taught me to stand up for not only myself, but for those who can't. I want to streamline efficiency in this assembly, I want to get back to what this government body was created to do, and that is to give a voice to the voiceless. I have Darth Vader's blood, by no choice of my own, but I have Bail Organa's spirit, and I'll make sure he lives on through me until the day I die. Thank you." You clapped for Leia until your hands stung, regardless of the fight you'd had, of the resentment that had begun building, it was extremely brave of her to admit her personal business to the galaxy. If you had a vote, you would cast it for her. Finally, the applause died down and Hux stepped up to the podium, his shoulders straight and tall, looking out over the crowd as he took in a deep breath. You looked over at Leia, shooting her a small smile.

"I'm honored to be here before you today. As a new Senator, I'm aware of how ambitious this campaign has been, how some may feel that it is unwise to elect a politically inexperienced leader." Your eyes glazed over a few of the delegations in balconies above, who stopped to whisper to each other. "But I agree with my colleague, Senator Organa, that we need to return to what this assembly was created for, to work for a better tomorrow. We have been so long plagued by division and injustice, driven further apart through fear rather than speaking with each other, to meet in the middle, so to speak, to streamline a galaxy where things are safe and standardized. Where our people are taken care of and innovation is a top priority. What I lack in political experience, I more than make up for as a General and head council member in my organization, The First Order." He paused, looking down at the podium where his datapad was illuminated, and then he turned off the screen. "The First Order and Senator Organa's organization have long been at odds. We both have the same goal, but simply disagree on the best manner in which to achieve it. Several months ago, we came to a peaceful agreement, to work together, and just a week ago decided to take our alliance one step further. My wife, once my fellow Senator's best soldier, is now my Ambassador, continuing the great and important work of keeping the peace between us." Your stomach turned over as Hux turned to you, holding out his hand and motioning for you to join him at the podium. You stepped forward cautiously, your heart dropping into your toes as hundreds of eyes flicked over to you, picking the skin from your bones. Hux continued on, "She stands here today despite the work of a would-be assassin." You couldn't tell if the break in his voice was real or if it was an act. Regardless, it was convincing. "We must put a further emphasis on galactic security, we must catch these criminals before they can hurt anyone else. Before we can focus on anything, we must make sure every citizen feels safe. A vote for me is a vote for a safer galaxy." He bowed his head, putting his arm over your shoulders and returning to his place next to the other candidates. The Interim Chancellor returned to the podium, glancing out over the crowd.

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