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Hux was in the midst of arguing with Kuruk as you came out of the training room, inquiring why exactly he wouldn't allow him entrance. Hux stopped mid sentence to take you in, eyes lingering on the large scratches on your thigh.

"What-" You held up a hand to silence him, the muscles in your legs still quivering in the aftermath.

"I don't want to talk about it." You sighed, squeezing out your soaked hair onto the floor. "Whatever you have to say can wait until after I take a bath." He raised his eyebrows but didn't try to stop you as you stalked off, Kuruk falling into step behind you. You heard Hux greet Kylo Ren with an accusatory tone, but didn't stay in range long enough to hear whatever bullshit excuse Ren cooked up.

When you were bathed and dressed, and after Vicrul had barged in with more salve for your new thigh wound, you set off to meet Hux. You winced as your leg burned, but it faded away rather quickly. You supposed it was because the wound wasn't that deep.

"Vicrul?" You questioned, pace quickening to keep up with him. He didn't respond, but slightly inclined his head back in your direction. "What was that training exercise? Some sort of virtual reality?" Everything had felt so real, the water, the mud, the sounds and smells.

"The Commander had it installed to train new recruits for his personal legions." Ren's own personal army. You shuddered to think of an even larger group of the knights, all masked up and ready to battle against the Resistance. "This was before our negotiations took place, of course. Now he only has the six of us left."

"How many did he have before?" Vicrul was leading you deeper into the belly of the ship. You tried to mentally take note of each twist and turn, looking into empty hallways and open doorways.

"He was in charge of 12 legions, but only about a hundred were part of his special forces." Your eyes widened, wondering where Ren's special forces were now, if he still had them under his thumb. Vicrul stopped at a blank black doorway and removed his gloves, pressing his finger to the reader. The door slid open to reveal Hux sitting casually alone on a leather couch, a slim ankle resting over his knee. You took a seat on the matching couch opposite, melting into the buttery soft leather and folding your arms across your chest. The rest of the room was quite plain, a desk with a high-backed chair, the desk neatly arranged with a stack of books and a built-in communicator.

"I was looking to apologize for my behavior earlier at the meeting, but now I fear we have more to discuss." Hux began, his green eyes flaring with intensity.

"I'm not sure what you mean." You felt your breath quicken, but you held your composure.

"What's going on between you and Commander Ren?" Your heart skipped several beats. What did he know? "Is he hurting you?" You released the breath you'd been holding in a relieved sort of snort.

"And if he was, what would you care?" Hux sighed and rose from the couch, pacing with his hands clasped behind his back. You watched him make two or three lengths of the small antechamber before he answered.

"Just because Kylo Ren doesn't seem to care about anything at all doesn't mean I feel the same." You raised your eyebrows at him. "I give a shit about this alliance. I take it very seriously."

"A lot of pretty words, General."

"Lead with me, then, and let me prove it."

"If Senator Sindian is so interested in your bid for Chancellor, why not ask this of her? Surely her experience would help legitimize your claim."

"I don't need her. I need you." He took a seat directly next to you, his intense stare making you shift uncomfortably.

"Fine." You yielded, watching Hux's eyes light up. "I'll go with you to the meeting, I'll stand with you for all intents and purposes, but I'll be hearing your pitch just like everyone else, so you better have more to it than just 'a united front'." You stood to leave, but paused just in front of the door. "One more thing, Hux," You said, looking over your shoulder. "Ren's knights stay here. In fact, I don't want babysitters of any kind while we're out on Senate business from here forward. I go where I please, when I please."

Negotiations (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now