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"Mos Espa," You read on a sign as you strolled into the city, sweat dripping uncomfortably down your back, sand somehow finding its way into your boots. "Who'd want to live in a place like this?" You watched the lively port city, if you could call it that, with aliens and humanoids alike bustling through the streets. Stall merchants called out at passersby, announcing their wares as though it was a contest to be the loudest. All it did was make everything jumbled.

"My grandfather lived here when he was a boy." Kylo said in passing, low, almost under his breath. You stopped walking, a Palliduvan male bumping into your back and nearly knocking you over. He yelled something derogatory in an unfamiliar language, but it didn't register. Kylo bared his teeth at the chalky-skinned figure, but you grabbed his forearm.

"Darth Vader lived here?" He ripped his gaze away and turned back to you.

"He was a slave, so I suppose it wasn't his choice." You linked your arm through his and continued walking, meeting his gaze to urge him on. You wanted to know more, you wanted to know everything. "The Jedi found him here, and took him away to the temple to be trained." His tone shifted when he spoke of the Jedi, you felt a heavy darkness surround him. Your heart began to pound with fear, a betrayal of your trust, just as a green light flashed in your mind. It took you a moment to realize you had unintentionally ventured into Kylo's mind; you pulled back into your own body, deciding it wise not to press him further. You passed a domed building just as a pair of seedy looking masked men were coming out, and a blast of cool air whooshed over your body. You pulled Kylo back, entering the dimly lit, yet lively bar, seating yourself in a booth right next to the door.

"So, what's our next move?" You leaned forward over the table, your throat burning as the figures around you all sipped on their cold drinks. "We steal a ship? You lowered your voice even further. "There's plenty to choose from here."

"That's what they expect us to do." Kylo leaned back in his seat, but his mind was far away, on a little blonde boy with a dirt smeared face, flying a podracer at breakneck speed by a screaming crowd. You reeled back your thoughts, your consciousness snapping back so hard that your head rushed. You didn't mean to keep intruding into Kylo's mind like this, it was almost like he was drawing you in, maybe not purposefully, or even consciously, but happening nonetheless.

"So what? We stay here?" You tried not to look incredulous, but you couldn't help it. Hux would search every square inch of this godforsaken desert planet to find you. Kylo flicked his gaze back to you, no trace of distraction now, and smirked. You bit the inside of your cheek, clenching your thighs together as he surveyed you.

"For now, we have a drink." You looked to him, sighing, but he was gone again, lost in dark thoughts that radiated toward you, a moth drawn to his flame. You stood, striding over to the bar, catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror hanging behind the counter. You looked terrible. The red guard's blood was still smeared over your cheeks and forehead, your hair tangled and wispy. If anyone noticed your appearance, nobody stared or commented. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all. The barkeep, a human man with a full, gray beard and hardened eyes, grunted by way of greeting.

"Two waters, please." You glanced back at Kylo, who was staring out at the door. "And a whiskey." You shifted on your feet as the barkeep took his time finding three glasses, stomping behind a curtain to bring out a pitcher of water, the condensation on the side of the glass making your throat feel painfully dry. You carried the three glasses back to the table, Kylo's brows raising as he eyed the small, liquor-filled glass.

"It's been a rough day." You tipped it back, grimacing as it burned your throat. "I thought I deserved it." Kylo said nothing as he sipped at his water, and a smirk played over your lips. "And if I'm going to have to deal with you..." The energy around Kylo turned playful, but almost immediately returned to high alert. You felt it too.

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