Daughter of Dathomir

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*TW: heavy smut/violent sex. Three asterisks (***) at the beginning and end of those scenes

You knew Kylo was on the ship because you could feel him, but he refused to come out from whatever little corner he'd hid himself in. You wondered how bruised his ego must be to avoid you altogether instead of taking out his anger swiftly and with his cock. He should have taken you right in that chair, let go of your neck only to rip the clothes from your skin, slammed into you with no regard for what you wanted. Though, to be fair, that wasn't a question he needed to ask. All he had to do was bring one finger down between your legs to feel how badly you wanted him. Maybe he'd have taken you from behind, shoving your face into the leather, those invisible fingers stroking your clit with practiced strokes...

"Hello?" Someone was calling your name. "Is anyone alive in there?" You straightened, Vicrul was waving a hand in front of your face.

"What?" You snapped, a little chuffed that he'd interrupted your fantasizing. Although, it was probably for the best, considering you were sitting with him and Trudgen in the main cabin of the ship.

"Just trying to warn you that this trip will likely take a whole day. Dathomir is in the Outer Rim, so it's going to take us some time to get there."

"Great. And I bet Kylo will brood the entire time." You rolled your eyes, bringing your feet up on the bench. "Although maybe he'll be so upset at me that he won't even leave the ship when we get there. Wouldn't that be something." Trudgen snorted.

"Watch it," Vicrul gave his brother a look. "If he hears you, there'll be hell to pay."

"Let him hear." You stood, striding over to the bench Trudgen was sitting on, his large body taking up enough space for at least two people. "If he has anything to say, I'll just kick his ass again." You laid your head in Trudgen's lap, and he gave you a charged grin.

"Your funeral." Vicrul mumbled, leaning his head back and closing his eyes while Trudgen twisted a few strands of your hair around his fingers; your scalp tingled. Your own eyes drifted shut after a few minutes, bone tired after the rigorous training and newly sustained injuries pulsing with each beat of your heart.

If you dreamt, you didn't remember anything. When you woke, both Knights were gone, the lights in the cabin dim and a blanket draped over your body. You yawned and pulled yourself up to a sitting position, wincing as your body seared. Your muscles were sore too, the product of being laid up in bed for so many days recovering from your stabbing. Hux was probably worried out of his mind, but the Knights had forced you to leave your comm behind and you had no way to get in touch with him. You strode over to the window, looking out at the swirling vortex of stars flying by, pressing your fingertips to the icy glass and wondering for a moment what you were going to discover about yourself on this trip. You hadn't given much thought to the fact that you weren't even fully human, you had enough going on in your life without adding that existential crisis to the shit pile. You sighed, wrapping the blanket tighter around your shoulders, filing the can of worms under the tab in your brain titled 'to deal with later'. The mental file seemed to be filled to the brim as of late. As you turned to head back to the couch, you nearly ran into a towering dark figure. You gasped, looking up into Kylo's shadowy face.

*** "What are you doing?" A simultaneous rush of fear and desire had you pressing your back up against the cold glass, shivering involuntarily. Kylo pressed his palm next to your head, boxing you in, leaning in so close that you could feel his cool breath hitting your cheek.

"I fucking hate you." He growled, reaching out his other hand with the intent to wrap around your throat, but he pulled it back, flexing his fingers out wide and forcing it to flatten against the glass on the other side of your face. "I want you gone."

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