A Fine Line

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*TW: This chapter contains scenes of dubious consent. I will mark the beginning and end with three asterisks (***). Please do not read this section if it will trigger you!

You were deathly silent when Vicrul threw you into your room like it was a jail cell. Your body was pulsing, the desire pumping uncomfortably through your blood with every hammering beat of your heart. You considered it then, calling Leia and Dane and begging them to come get you. Obviously you weren't strong enough to ignore the uncomfortable feelings that Kylo Ren ignited in you. And now that you'd seen his face... it was devastating how beautiful he was, how his lips had felt against yours, how he'd mesmerized you with those dark eyes staring down into yours. You dry heaved, crawling to the toilet when you thought about his thick cock pumping in and out of your mouth, how he'd tasted, how you liked it. You vomited. Self-hatred replaced your lust for Kylo Ren, not only for allowing him to use your body like a whore, but for wanting it, for wanting more. You drew yourself a bath, desperate to wash away every touch of his hands on your skin, to be clean of him altogether. When you stripped off the black gown, peeling off the bandages on your shoulder, you were startled to realize the wound had closed. It was still bruised; purple, red, and angry, but it was no longer weeping blood and burning with sharp pain. You ran your fingers over the skin, tender to the touch and probably would leave a rippled scar, but it was healing. Vicrul's burning ointment could work miracles, as much as you hated to credit anything to Ren or his knights. You stepped into the water, sitting in it until it turned cool and your skin pruned.

"Wake up," A gruff voice startled you out of sleep. It had been a long time since you'd left your room, the disorienting constant darkness of space leaving you blind to what was day and what was night. Your blood pressure lagged behind your movement as you sat up, black spots flickering in your vision. One of the knights was at your bedside, you recognized the mask as Ushar when the dizziness faded.

"What's going on?" You rubbed your eyes, but they still felt heavy and tired.

"The General is back from Hosnian Prime and has called a meeting with the council. He would like you to attend."

"Okay, I'm coming." Your stomach dropped as Ushar strode out of the room, standing to dress. If it was a meeting of the council, Kylo Ren would be there. But perhaps it was time you stopped hiding away to avoid him, maybe this was only furthering his plan to make you so uncomfortable that you quit. It crossed your mind then that his feelings toward you were similar to yours of him; some dark twisted fantasy between two people that could never be. A lump rose in your throat, but you swallowed it back, staring at your hollow face in the mirror and trying to liven it up. The task proved impossible. You followed Ushar and Cardo, the knights assigned to you, down the hall and past the hangar where troopers were cleaning and unloading Hux's personal ship. You were the last to arrive when the knights stood on either side of the door to allow you entrance. The only open seat was just to the left of the head of the table, directly next to Kylo Ren. You sighed and took your seat, avoiding eye contact with him and instead glancing around the table at the men of the council. The air was tense, like Kylo Ren was holding it all under his thumb with the Force.

"What's going on?" You demanded, noting Hux's face looking more pinched than usual.

"Right, now that we're all here," You rolled your eyes at Hux's passive-aggressiveness, a prickle on the back of your neck as you felt Ren watching you under his mask. "My bid for Interim Chancellor was not supported by a majority of the Senate." You snorted, and everyone stared at you.

"I'm sorry, did you actually expect anyone would support that? You are the newest member of the Senate who's been to one cocktail party and half a meeting. What senator in their right mind would support you?" Hux's face turned a delicate shade of red, darker even than his hair.

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