Dark Legacy

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*TW: Kylo is very violent towards Reader in this chapter. As usual, three asterisks (***) at the beginning and end of those scenes.

You weren't sure why you expected there to be some big change in your day to day life now that you were betrothed. With Kylo still sedated, things stayed much the same. There had been one last half-day of senate meetings before the mass departure of senators back to their home planets. Carise Sindian was the last to leave, requesting a personal, private meeting with Hux. She came out of it looking furious, red in the face, regarding you with a sharp tongue and wagging finger.

"Enjoy this while you can, girl. The higher you rise, the harder you'll fall." Ushar pushed you behind him, his hand resting threateningly on the handle of his vibromachete.

"Carise, please, I heard your advice, now I ask you to respect my decision." Hux rushed over, pulling her back and stepping between her and Ushar. "And please respect my future wife."

"You'll see, Armitage. You'll wish you had listened to me." Carise sighed sharply, casting you a final glare before she set off toward her transport. Hux gave you a shrug and a look that said, what can you do?  You trained with Kuruk and Trudgen, Vicrul refusing to be anywhere near you, let alone have a necessary conversation to answer your questions. Everything felt as though it had grinded to a screeching halt. You spoke to Leia, who had confirmed Dane's safe arrival back on D'Qar, but he wasn't speaking to you either. A feeling of loneliness burrowed into the pit of your stomach, and you wondered hopelessly if by giving up Dane you'd given up your chance at real happiness. You certainly wouldn't find it with Kylo, or even Hux. But there was more to life than love, and you had a job to do.

You lay in bed one night after a particularly grueling training session, a long hot soak in the tub working out the tension in your legs and back. Trudgen had nearly cracked your spine when he'd tackled you to the ground, your lower vertebrae still aching with every subtle movement. You lay awake in dim light, staring up at the ceiling and counting silvery lines separating the black panels, trying not to picture Dane's final heartbroken stare. There was a commotion in the hallway that had you sitting bolt upright in bed, ears perking to listen. You climbed out of bed slowly, one foot at a time, and there was a clatter of metal just outside your door, the unmistakable whoosh of a lightsaber sheathed. Fear prickled in icy tendrils down your back; Kylo was awake, and you had the feeling he knew. You stood in front of the door, stomach churning, half wondering whether you should make a run for it through the secret panel. The mechanism hissed, the door slid open, and there he was, hastily dressed in black trousers and a matching jacket, hair unruly, all of his weight shifted to his left leg. His face, so achingly beautiful, was twisted with rage. Oh yes, he knew.

***"Kylo, I-" Your eyes flickered beyond him, to where Kuruk lay unconscious on the ground. You burned with shame, but why? What had he done to deserve the feelings he invoked in you?

"Don't talk." He started forward, limping slightly and grunting with apparent pain. He stopped in front of you, towering so high, and regarded you with such smoldering fury that you swallowed hard, forcing yourself to stare back up at him. "On your knees." He commanded, awakening a throbbing deep in your core.

"I'm not your soldier, you can't just command me to-"

"ON YOUR KNEES!" He screamed, the look in his eyes so wild that you scrambled down, knees hitting the cold floor with a painful thump. Your breath quickened, heart pounding against your ribs, watching his boots pace in front of you. "Imagine for a moment, you've awoken in the hospital bay after who knows how long, betrayed by your own men, keeping you sedated, no doubt for their own gain." Your head shot up, rushing to the defense.

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