I Choose You

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*TW*: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence and sex. Three asterisks (***) will mark the beginning and the end of those scenes if you would like to skip.

Though everything was clean and sleek, you knew you'd stepped into a tomb. The scent of death lingered in the air, rattled through your bones. You shivered. No more than ten paces in, there was a locked double doorway. You put your hand on the cold metal, and screams reverberated through your mind, flashes of lightning, and pain. Echoes of pain you'd never felt the likes of before.

"Where is everyone?" You asked, searching for a keypad and coming up empty. Kylo pressed his lips firmly together, feeling along the side of the wall.

"The lab is behind this door." He pressed in on a gray panel and it split in two, revealing a keypad. He punched in a few numbers, and the doors slid open. "First Order idiots indeed." You entered, and everything was white. White walls, white counters, flashing white lights. You had to squint, your eyes pulsing with pain.

"Director," A male voice said from around the corner, and a stout, brown-haired man rounded, looking down at his datapad. "The threat was neutralized, I presume?" He looked up, the datapad falling from his hands and crashing on the floor, a large crack marring the screen.

"Not quite." You said, grabbing your saber and igniting it, the red glow glinting off the gleaming white surfaces.

"Commander Ren, you know how important this work is. Don't let her destroy it." The man whimpered, fear radiating off of him. "Please," You heard Kylo take two steps to stand beside you, his large hand coming to rest on your back.

"Don't talk." Kylo held out his hand, and the man rose from the ground, gasping for air. "You know the crimes you're guilty of." The man's face reddened as his begging fell on deaf ears. "Go on," Kylo said, his breath tickling your cheek.. "He's the lead scientist." You took a deep breath, stalking forward and looking the man right in his eyes.

"Did you really think you would get away with this?" You asked, pulling your bloody knife from your belt and running it from his chin down his chest, teasing, taunting. There were clattering footsteps coming in from the opposite hallway and you took over Kylo's hold on the scientist, turning your head back to glance at him. "Cover me," You ordered, and Kylo ignited his saber, a small smirk playing on his lips. "This is going to hurt." You sent the scientist flying over to one of the white exam tables, just as two dozen First Order troopers flooded the hallway behind Kylo. He could handle them. You were busy.

"P-please," He sputtered, tears spilling from his beady eyes. "Please, I didn't know." You climbed up on top of him, twirling your knife in your fingers.

*** "You didn't know?" You cocked your head to the side, ducking as a stray shot from a blaster whizzed past your head. "You treated these people like animals." You brought your knife down through his forearm, so hard that the blade dented the metal underneath. The man howled with pain, begging once again for his life. "I'm sick of hearing your fucking voice." You reached into his mouth, pulling his tongue out, his eyes widening as he realized what you were about to do. He thrashed, but you dug your knee into his sternum, feeling his bones groan under the pressure. You sliced his tongue out in one clean swipe, throwing it off to the side as blood filled the scientist's mouth; he choked on it, red spilling down both cheeks and onto the white exam table. You brought the blade down on the right side of his chest, felt his breath sputter as you pierced the lung.

"Don't fret." You caressed the side of his face mockingly as he moaned in agony. "You have another lung." You stabbed him in his left side, blood pouring out onto the slick table. "Oops, I guess not anymore." You leaned in close to his ear as he wheezed, trying to take breath into lungs that no longer functioned. "Wherever we go after death, I hope that you are haunted by every single life you helped take. You evil piece of shit." You slit his throat for good measure, watching his eyes become blank and unfocused.

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