Chaos Twins

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You strode directly to the sink, breath coming in heavy gasps as the adrenaline faded away. You splashed cold water in your face, nearly jumping out of your skin when two figures emerged from the shadows.

"We came to wake you this morning, but you were not here." A cool, airy voice said, one of your attendants appearing in the doorway. The other stood a pace behind her, both of them dressed in orange robes, their faces uncovered today.

"I don't need your assistance today." You said firmly, pushing past them to get into your room.

"Master Hux was very specific this time." The other said, gesturing to a dark garment they'd hung on your wardrobe. It had long sleeves, an ornate, sparkling black and gold encrusted belt around the middle, flaring out to the back to sweep the floor, but beneath it, you'd wear black pants, paired with wide-heeled black boots. You felt a little guilty then, for treating Hux the way you had, but it was going to take a lot more than a pair of pants to make up for the horrible things he'd said to you. You almost sent the attendants away anyway, but in the end you let them dress and style you. While they worked, you asked them about themselves, though you learned very little. Their names were Novaethele and Hereanula, part of an enslaved race of people called the Chiss, captured just before the fall of the Old Republic for being allied with the Sith. They would not tell you how long they'd personally been enslaved or how General Hux had managed to become their master.

"Thank you," You called to Novaethele and Hereanula when they were finished, your hair now gathered in three thick ropes down your back. They had already slipped out the door, another small figure entering with a slight knock. Leia strode over to you, greeting you warmly. Your stomach clenched with the fear that she'd seen your interaction with General Hux, but her face showed nothing but kindness.

"Hux does like to parade you around, doesn't he?" She gestured to your outfit, squeezing your shoulder gently. "I have good news and bad, both about your blood sample."

"Go on," You turned to look at her, eyes wide with anticipation.

"You have an abnormally high midichlorian count in your bloodstream, which is what makes you force-sensitive." It was clear that this didn't come as a shock to either of you. "But my contact could not give me an answer as to why you are immune to the Force, nor could he tell me who you are related to, Jedi or otherwise."

"Isn't there some sort of database? Some way that I could trace my genealogy back?"

"There was," She sighed deeply. "In the Old Republic, before the rise of the Empire. My father told me all about the library on Coruscant. He worked in the Senate with my birth mother, but everything was destroyed when Darth Vader turned on the Jedi Council and destroyed the temple."

"There were no copies made? No backups?" You hadn't realized how high you'd let your hopes rise.

"Unfortunately not." She sighed, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I have had spies looking for any information on the Jedi Order for years, ever since my brother and I began training after the fall of the Empire. Of course we will continue our search, and if anything ever comes up, you'll be the first to know. I promise." Her eyes crinkled as she smiled, a wave of maternal pride washing over you with a start.

"Thank you," She nodded, leaving you to look in the mirror at yourself, staring at your features and wondering if any of them had been inherited from a Jedi Knight. A short time later, your door opened again, this time without the courtesy of a knock. It was a stormtrooper. This one was tall, bending down to fit through the doorway. Something felt different about them, some sort of shift in the air that had you reaching for a weapon you didn't have on you. The trooper stopped in front of you, taking off his helmet and tossing it onto your bed. Vicrul was standing in front of you.

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