Hosnian Prime's Most Eligible Bachelorette

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You allowed yourself to sulk for an entire day. Tears were shed, mirrors were avoided, though you felt the dull soreness of a bruise on your chin. With every passing moment, the rage within you grew until it reached such a great height that it turned into predatory stillness. It was then that you decided there was only one option; you had to kill Kylo Ren. Not outright, not right away... you'd play the game, wait for the right moment. But you'd be the one to do it. You covered the purple bruise on your chin and jaw and put on your most official looking black leather pants with a matching shirt, the attached cape trailing behind you. You braided your hair into a crown over the top of your head. As you stared at your reflection, you smiled darkly. The First Order had no idea what was coming for them. Your hand throbbing at your side, the knuckles swollen and scabbed over with dried blood. You flexed your fingers, wincing at the pain, and pulled on a pair of black elbow length gloves. Though your stomach growled in protest, you skipped stopping in the dining hall to grab a quick breakfast, and instead headed straight to the council meeting room, your duo of stormtrooper guards nearly jogging to keep up behind you. General Hux was chatting with one of the other council members when you entered, all of the air in the room seeming to thin.

"Good morning, boys." You crooned, seating yourself at the head of the table, in Kylo Ren's unofficial empty seat. Hux turned to face you, taking you in, all of you, slowly and deliberately. It was the kind of look that you expected from Ren, not him. Perhaps you'd underestimated the red-headed General, perhaps his submission to Kylo Ren was more strategy than weakness.
"I don't remember inviting you to this particular session of council." You examined the back of your gloves as he spoke, finally deigning to flick your gaze in his direction.

"I have a matter to discuss with you."

"With me?" Hux's eyes flitted around the room to the men watching him, everyone seeming to hold their breath. You nearly chuckled; feeling your ego purr in your chest. They were all afraid of you. "Or with the council?" You hesitated for just half a second. You hadn't planned on sending everyone away, but perhaps this was a better card to play.

"Just you, General Hux." He looked taken aback for a moment, before nodding to the other council members. They whispered among each other, but nonetheless filed out, shutting the door behind them. Hux clasped his hands behind his back, standing before you.

"If this is about Kylo Ren, he assured me he will be on his best behavior." You caught yourself just before you rolled your eyes, your heart accelerating at the memory of being pinned beneath him, his hands on you. "If he has-" You held up a hand to silence him.

"You know what this is about, General." You didn't miss his tiny nervous fidget, just a simple shifting of his weight from one foot to another, but it was a tell. "Eight of my men are dead."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Tell me what happened." You challenged, eyes narrowing.

"Are you accusing the First Order of foul play? Your newfound ally?"

"Please," You stood from your chair, crossing your arms over your chest and pacing the length of the room. "You think I'd believe it's some magic coincidence that Commander Ren leaves on some secret errand for the First Order and eight of my men are blown to bits just before his return?"

"I don't see why the two should be related." Hux answered, leaning against the table behind him. "Perhaps your men should receive more training on recognizing explosives." You whirled on him, just barely stopping yourself from pulling out your blade to hold to his throat.

"Careful, Hux." You were so close to him that you could feel his cool breath hitting your skin. Just a few centimeters more and your bodies would be touching. He leaned back, away from you, but never broke eye contact. "Don't forget that I'm coming with you to the Senate meeting. I'd hate for you to make enemies before you even make your first appearance." He stood up to full height, forcing you to crane your neck to keep your gaze on him, almost losing your footing as you stumbled back.

Negotiations (Kylo Ren x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz