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Your head ached something terrible when you came to, blinking in the low light and trying to make out your surroundings. It was a strange room, minimalist in design, with sleek, slate gray furnishings and no decorations. You were clothed in your black tunic and leggings, lying on top of a black duvet, your feet bare. The air was cold and smelled almost clinical somehow, like the hospital bay you'd spent more than your fair share of time in. You climbed out of bed, striding over to the door and pressing the button on the control panel. Nothing happened. You pressed it again, then again, and over and over until you felt the panic setting in.

It was fine; you closed your eyes, breathing in, connecting to the Force. You waved your hand at the door, imagining a rush of the Force breaking down the door. Nothing happened. Desperate not to panic, you tried again. There was nothing but a giant wall in your mind. You were stuck. You couldn't get out. You banged on the door, yelling for Hux, for Vicrul, for Snoke, for anyone, but silence greeted you. The room felt too small, like the walls were closing in on your body in the same way that your throat was narrowing with fear.

"I know someone's out there, let me out!" You screamed, your voice rough and raw. This was never how it was supposed to be. You were always supposed to have a way out. This mission should have ended long ago, before they could turn on you. Before Hux could turn on you. You should have expected it, you shouldn't have let your guard down, but you had. And here you were, locked in a room with no way out, deep in space. Something flickered out of the corner of your eye and you turned, breath shallow and eyes burning with tears that threatened to spill over.

"I can't let you out." A holo of Hux stood in the corner of your room, the blue light reflecting off the walls. "Your behavior has been incredibly irrational." Anger flared through your chest.

"You said I wasn't a prisoner." You got close enough to him that he could see the single tear drip from your eye. He tracked its path down your cheek. "I trusted you." Your words landed on him like a blow, and he physically flinched. They stung at you, too, and another hot tear fell straight to the floor as you realized they were true. You would have expected this from Kylo, even Vicrul or the other knights, but not Hux. Never Hux.

"You don't understand." His face wrinkled with devastation, his voice cracked on the last syllable. "You could never understand."

"How could you do this to me?" You whispered, breath coming in fractured gasps now, burying your face in your hands and letting out a strangled cry.

"Because I love you!" He shouted, and the words reverberated through the room and your brain. It shouldn't have shocked you to your core the way that it did, deep down you had known it to be true. "I love you." He repeated, stepping toward you, his blue hand going right through your cheek.

"This isn't love." You said coldly, gesturing around to the four windowless walls that held you captive. "You don't trap the people you love."

"I'm doing this for your own good." He argued, reaching out again, but pulling back just before he reached you. "I'm doing this to keep you alive." Some of the cold cruelty returned to his gaze, the same look he'd given you before he'd stabbed your neck with the tranquilizer. "You'll be taken care of, you'll train with the Supreme Leader, and when the threats are neutralized, you may return to Hosnian Prime."

"If you go through with this, this marriage won't survive." You said, your voice surprisingly steady. "I won't be there at the end."

"You may hate me, but you'll be alive to do so." Something worked in his jaw and he clenched his fists before stowing them behind his back.

"Please, Hux." You changed tactics, falling to your knees and letting your tears flow freely. "Please don't do this to me." He watched you with those cold eyes, but even through the holo, with all the distance between you, you could feel something breaking within him. "Armitage," You whispered, half choked.

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