Pride and Punishment

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*TW: Violent sex/Femdom. Three asterisks (***) at the beginning and end of those scenes!

You knew you were in trouble as soon as you saw the look on Hux's face, standing there with his stormtrooper guards like they would do anything against Kylo or the Knights.

"Welcome back." Hux snapped, clenching his jaw as he looked past the towering men to assess you.

"What are you doing here, Hux?" Kylo shot the question to your husband, the tension in the air rising. "Aren't you supposed to be on Hosnian Prime doing your job?" You gave Kylo an incredulous glance, but he ignored you. Hux's nostrils flared, angry red patches flushing his cheeks.

"It's hard to focus on my job when you kidnapped my wife and took her to the Outer Rim without allowing me to stay in contact with her." Hux balked, his bottom lip curling as he leaned forward closer to Kylo. You saw the latter reach for his lightsaber and you sighed, hesitating only for a moment before you wedged your way between them. You tried to shove Hux back, but his focus was locked on Kylo. Pressed between their bodies, your treacherous mind began conjuring up images of other things you could be doing in this position. Now that was a thought, but this was incredibly inopportune timing. Kylo missed nothing, one of his hands slyly grazing over your ass as you finally got Hux to back up.

"You will go back to our room. I'll meet you there and we can talk." Hux glared at Kylo over your head for another few seconds before turning on his heel and storming out of the hangar. You whipped around on Kylo, narrowing your eyes.

"This is your fault." You whispered, but he was already smirking.

"Is it?" He grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you into him, right in the middle of the hangar. You could feel troopers stopping to stare. "I'll be sure to include in my official report how good you looked covered in my c-" You ripped yourself out of his grasp, giving him a very rude gesture with your middle finger as you all but ran from the room.

Hux was pacing in the bedroom when you arrived, throwing yourself back on the bed and savoring how your body sank back into the mattress. It had been too long since you'd slept in a real bed.

"Are you going to say anything?" You propped yourself up on your elbows as Hux spoke, his cold glare fixed on you.

"What would have had me done, Hux?" He blinked, resuming his pacing. "Tell your Supreme Leader no?"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it." You laid back, groaning and throwing your arm over your eyes. "What's that on your wrist?" He grabbed your hand, pulling you up to sitting and lifting your sleeve to reveal your new tattoos. "What's this?" He asked, distaste crinkling his nose. You snatched your arm back.

"I went to Dathomir." You said coolly, standing before him. "I proved myself worthy." You stripped your shirt and tossed it to the floor, letting your arms shine in the light. His eyes roamed over you, from wrist to shoulder, the swell of your breasts beneath your bra, then down the other arm.

"I suppose they don't come off." He swallowed, exhaling sharply before taking your hand, holding your arm up to examine it more closely.

"No." He sighed again, finally interlacing your fingers with his and closing his eyes.

"I was scared." He whispered, his brows creasing together, green gaze now studying your face. "Dathomir is not a safe place."

"Well, then I have some good news for you." He looked at you quizzically. "I've been banned from the planet."

"Banned..." He repeated, the corners of his lips turning up. "From an entire planet?" He huffed a laugh. "Somehow I'm not shocked."

"Let's just say some of the locals hated me, and some of the others liked me a little too much."

Negotiations (Kylo Ren x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن