I Want to Hear You Squeal

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*TW: this chapter contains scenes of dubious consent. if that is something you would not like to read, I will mark the beginning and end with three asterisks (***)

Your stormtroopers accompanied you to breakfast the following morning, your eyes downcast and slightly ashamed. If Kylo Ren was there, you weren't sure you'd be able to hide your blush. You mentally slapped yourself, straightening your shoulders and looking on to where Hux was sitting with several members of the council. This was not you. You were not some blushing, giggling girl who let men dictate her emotions. You grabbed a plate of bacon and eggs and sat down at the table across from Hux, who did little to acknowledge your presence beyond a slight nod. Kylo Ren was not in the room. You knew that he had the infamous ability to break into minds and read the thoughts there. Who was to say that he also couldn't plant things? That all of these strange desires weren't the work of an evil man trying to manipulate you? The bite of eggs and strip of bacon you'd just swallowed turned into lead in your stomach. Kylo Ren would not get away with this. You would not let him continue planting these false feelings in your head. You dumped the rest of your food in the garbage and stormed off toward your bedroom. You had some planning to do.

The first thing a smart spy would do, you decided, was to make sure that you weren't also being spied on. You spent most of the day searching your room and the attached bathroom for anything that looked suspicious. You crawled on your hands and knees, looking under furniture, and even climbed on top of the dresser, praying that it was heavy enough not to fall forward and crush you. After nearly an hour, you hadn't found anything. Was it really possible that your room hadn't been bugged? Did they trust your stormtrooper guard that much? Or was it that they assumed Kylo Ren could keep mental tabs on you? You shook your head, feeling a little silly, and began knocking on the walls, ensuring that nothing sounded - there, on the middle panel of the room, it sounded hollow. You knocked again, pressing your ear to it. Hollow. You pressed on the panel with the palm of your hand, hearing some sort of internal mechanism click, and the panel slid out, opening into another of the ship's endless narrow hallways. You grabbed one of your daggers, twirling it in your hand before shoving it into the holster on your thigh and entering the hall. You supposed it was a stroke of luck that it was empty, though the deeper down you ventured the more a feeling of dread crept into your throat. It was several minutes before you came across another room, two of them, in fact. One was large and grand, the other more simple, almost imperceptible from the panels in the wall had it not had a red control panel next to it. You went to the larger door, standing in front of it hoping it would open for you, but to no avail. Footsteps and muffled voices sounded distantly, but began to get closer. You looked for a control panel to open the large door, but shook your head and rushed to the smaller one, slipping inside. It shut behind you just in time for the arguing voices to round the corner. You pressed your ear against the door and strained to listen, nearly gasping as you heard the voice of Hux.

"You don't think it wise to use our position for at least a few senate meetings before we attack?" Hux was saying.

"There is something I am looking for, and Endor is where I'm starting. I'll take the part of our army that we're keeping in secret and kill anyone there who gets in my way." That was Kylo Ren's deep, mechanical drawl. You'd know it anywhere now.

"But what is it that you're looking for?" You could nearly see the vein in Hux's forehead protruding with frustration.

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, it's none of your business. You'd be smart to stop asking questions about things you don't understand."

"And you'd be smart to confide in me, Ren, we're working toward the same goal here." You could just hear small sounds of Hux gasping for air as Ren held him with the force.

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