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If Leia knew of the tension building between you and Dane, she said nothing when you came out of the room. You entered the elevator down the hall, sneaking a glance at your reflection in the chrome siding, noting that the humiliating tears you'd shed had not ruined your appearance.

"Am I to stay with Hux a majority of this trip?" You wondered aloud as the elevator zoomed down smoothly from the 86th floor to the 2nd.

"Yes," You turned to the back of the elevator as she spoke, a window looking out on the lights of the city. It looked so alive, pulsing with activity. "I have a feeling he will be using this to feel out any Senators sympathetic to the First Order's cause."

"Do you want a full report on everyone that he speaks with tonight?" The elevator slowed to a stop, a light, airy bell tone signifying the arrival to the second floor.

"I trust you," She turned to give you a significant look. "Anything you find to be suspicious." The doors slid open, revealing a clamor of voices, laughter, and music. A large number of bodies moved about the room, some shaking hands and embracing, others sipping casually at their drinks, watching the commotion. A red-skinned female with cascading white hair and a nearly sheer black netted dress was on stage in the back of the room, crooning out a beautiful song in an unknown language. Leia left you on your own, striding with utter confidence toward a group of men and women who greeted her with boisterous enthusiasm. You looked around for a moment, watching a number of heads turn toward you with blatant interest. You noted the exits, two of them besides the elevator, which in your opinion didn't count. There was a stairwell in the southeast corner of the room, though the doorway was narrow enough that it would take ages to fit everyone through, and a set of double doors to the west, leading off to the rest of the floor. A waiter walked past you, eyes downcast and holding out a glass of neon blue liquid that seemed to glow in the dim light.

"Courtesy of Senator Ziono." Your gaze travelled above the platter in the waiter's hand, meeting the eyes of a tan-skinned man, black hair thinning and skin slightly wrinkled with age who was standing alone and leaning against the bar. He raised his own glass at you, taking a long dreg without ever taking his eyes off yours. You took the drink from the waiter, but turned away from the Senator with your best bored expression. You nearly ran into General Hux, who'd come up behind you, silent in the hubbub of the room. He whistled quietly as he took in your appearance, the hair, the dress, the planes of your face.

"I'm guessing the minions were yours?" You glared up at him, taking a sip of your drink. It bubbled on your tongue, the sweetness of the mixer almost completely cutting out the bite of the alcohol.

"You're representing the First Order now, I can't have you looking a mess, can I?" His gaze caught on the top of your head, lingering for just a moment too long.

"I'm not the First Order's property." You warned him, a wordless promise that you would never wear their symbol. A tall, thin shape intruded your peripheral vision and caught Hux's attention. He stiffened, standing straight and reaching out a hand with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Armitage Hux, senator representing the First Order." The woman, almost as towering as Hux, held out her elegant hand gracefully, expectantly waiting for Hux to kiss it. You took her in suspiciously, radiant golden skin, long black hair, dark eyes sparkling with secrets. There were two men dressed entirely in black at either side, but two steps back, a show that she was in charge. You distrusted her immediately, but Hux looked enamored.

"Carise Sindian, a pleasure," She withdrew her hand without sparing you a glance. "I knew your father, Armitage. A truly wonderful man." Hux clenched just jaw and swallowed hard.

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