The Wedding, Part I

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"We're here." Hux woke you from a restless sleep, your eyes bleary and swollen. The air was cool as you walked off the ramp with him, lights blinking all around, the city still vibrantly alive despite the late hour. It took you several minutes of walking through the grand hallways of the capitol building to realize that Novaethele and Hereanula were behind you, their footsteps silent as wraiths. Everything felt muddled and heavy, like you were wading through a dream.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Hux's voice brought you out of your thoughts, a gentle hand smoothing over your hair. "Perhaps I should send a med-droid."

"No." You didn't have the energy to muster a fake smile. "I'm fine." He didn't look convinced, but sighed and pressed a button on the control panel outside the door you were in front of, and it slid open for you. Your attendants followed you in, but Hux left you be, and for that you were grateful. It was identical to the room you had stayed in the last time, with a large, comfortable bed and a wardrobe in which Novaethele was hanging a black garment bag.

"We'll do a fitting tomorrow, but I'm sure the sizing is correct." She said, inclining her head slightly at you. You had an urge to rip the dress to shreds.

"We will leave you to rest." Hereanula said, and they both slipped out the door. You set your things down on the bed, your datapad blinking with an unread comm. It was Leia, letting you know that she would be arriving the day after next, and wanted to know a time that she could meet with you one on one. You ignored her, shoving your bags onto the floor and crawling under the covers, burying your face in the pillow, screaming into it. The only knight that had boarded the ship with you was Vicrul, which meant Kylo had pulled them all back. Not so long ago, you would have been overjoyed, but something had shifted. You were no longer toeing a dangerous line, you had flung yourself past it with reckless abandon. You wanted him. You craved him. And you were marrying Hux. 

You cursed aloud, turning over and tried to breathe deeply, to calm down, but found yourself slipping easily into the vast, dark network of the Force. You felt your consciousness floating along, ripples of emotion disturbing the peaceful darkness. There was a flash of white, and then you were staring at Kylo: naked, sweating, and tangled in his bedsheets on the Finalizer. You gasped, and the sound echoed around you like you were standing in a large cavern. Kylo's eyes were closed, but his breathing was erratic, the tendons in his neck sticking out as he thrashed. You reached out to touch him, but your hand went right through his skin. Nevertheless, as you pulled away, his eyes shot open and he bolted upright, staring right at you with shock on his face, lips parted. He reached out for you, but in an instant the scene disappeared and you awoke in your bed on Hosnian Prime, terror making your heart slam against your chest as you felt your body in a free-fall. You hit the soft mattress in less than a second, sitting up and ripping off your blankets. What the hell was that? It felt like more than a dream, but it seemed impossible that you could have actually been there. Yet there was still so much you didn't know about the Force, and you swore you could still feel the aftershocks of Kylo's surprise in your own body.

You attempted to settle yourself down enough to go back to sleep, but as the first gray light of dawn shone through the slatted blinds, you sighed and pulled yourself up. It was going to be a long day, but the sooner it started, the sooner it could be over. You went for a run through the city, Vicrul keeping pace easily as you sprinted up hills and between buildings. Traffic above you had not yet reached its peak, but you felt the uncomfortable waves of heat from their engines as they passed. When you made it back to the capitol, you very nearly collapsed on the sidewalk. Even Vicrul was breathless.

"Was that a punishment for me or for you?" He asked, lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"I just needed to think." You admitted between gasping breaths, knowing full well the only image playing on a loop in your head was Kylo reaching out for you.

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