CH 2 || Fighting Through It!

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Hiya! Thanks for waiting, I'm back with another chapter (not fully beta read). Thankfully, it didn't take me too long. Thank you for all the reads and comments! I appreciate all of it :D

Reminder !! Look at the following clearly for I will be using them to indicate speech of different languages:
These are indicators that they are speaking Malay
These are indicators that they are speaking Japanese
" These are indicators that they are speaking English "

How could he have let this happen?

For the first time, he said his famous catchphrase, only he wasn't smiling. Toshinori was furious. He was furious at the villains for hurting his colleagues and students; he was furious at himself for not coming sooner. His eyes scanned the area, easily spotting Thirteen whose back was torn open and Aizawa's unconscious figure amongst some large rocks.

His ears, however, immediately catch the familiar voice of his disciple—Young Izuku. His stomach churned unpleasantly upon hearing the broken cry that echoed from his disciple.

His students were all frightened and hurt; his colleagues were all severely injured. He hated knowing that this was all happening when he was resting. Now, all he could do is reassure his students that things will be okay.

That was his duty as the Symbol of Peace.

In an instant, he zoomed forward to the two villains next to his disciple and two of his students, knocking all the low-tier villains out as he passed by to get to his students. No one could even react, in a blink of an eye, his students were now placed safely next to Aizawa while the hand-covered villain was preoccupied with finding the hand he had knocked off his face.

With his students out of danger's way, All Might could now face the two villains in front of him without worry. He hesitates though, when he notices the unfamiliar boy in his disciple's arms. The boy was bleeding everywhere and yet he was still somehow hanging on—trying to stay conscious. Slowly, the boy's eyes moved upward and their eyes met. Fear. Worry. Relief. His eyes were filled with a mix of emotions.

How the boy got injured badly or who the boy even was were questions he had to save for later. He needed to focus on beating the hell out of these villains first!

「 Young Midoriya. Young Asui. Young Mineta. 」 He called them, each student looking up at him the instant they heard their name. 「 Go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa-kun and that injured boy to you. I'll take care of these villains. 」

Tsuyu and Mineta sluggishly followed as instructed, muttering a thank you before tending to their homeroom teacher. As the other two teens carried their teacher, Izuku was hesitant but did as All Might said, the greenette carrying the injured brunette on his back.

Izuku stared at his mentor with furrowed eyebrows, the brunette in his arms feeling the tremble in the greenette's hold. 「 All Might, you can't! 」 He called out.

「 That brain villain, Nomu, took One Fo—! He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch. 」 His almost slip-up caught everyone's attention but no one paid it mind. Well . . . except the brunette on his back.

「 He's gotta be— 」 「 Young Midoriya! 」 All Might interrupted, cutting Izuku off as he turned to his disciple with a smile. 「 It's fine! 」 He declared, posing with a peace sign.

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