CH 22 || Vulnerability

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Hiya! Here's a chapter! (I probably won't see or reply to comments since my internet is not working right now, and I'm using my data to upload this).

Not proofread but still enjoy!
Reminder !! Look at the following clearly for I will be using them to indicate speech of different languages:
These are indicators that they are speaking Malay
These are indicators that they are speaking Japanese
" These are indicators that they are speaking English "

Nowadays, it is getting harder and harder to focus, BoBoiBoy finds himself realizing. The test sheet in front of him blurring in and out of his vision, making it difficult for him to recheck his answers. He checks the clock on the wall and sees that he has roughly 10 minutes left. Placing his pencil down, BoBoiBoy massages his temples with his fingers — trying to ease his growing headache. Before he knew it, he blacked out and suddenly the test was over, and everyone handed their test to their teacher.

​​「 Okay, that's it for class. 」 Aizawa announced as he tapped the stack of papers on the podium to align them, ​​「 There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? 」 Their homeroom teacher makes sure they are reminded of their upcoming exams. ​​「 I'm sure you already know, but this won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. 」

​​「 That's all. 」 With that, Aizawa exits the classroom, leaving his class who erupted into commotion the moment he left. Kaminari and Mina were the most vocal of their distress. ​​「 I haven't studied at all! 」 They both exclaimed, and while Mina appeared chillaxed, she was most definitely just as stressed as Kaminari. Both were at the very bottom of their academic scores with Kaminari at 21st and Mina at 20th.

​​「 With the sports festival and internships, I didn't study at all! 」 Kaminari groaned as he put his hands on head. Tokoyami, who placed 15th, nodded in agreement. ​​「 It's true that we had one event after another, but... 」 He trailed off into his thoughts.

​​「 For the midterms, we'd just started school, so they didn't cover much, so I didn't really have a hard time with them, but with the back-to-back events and stuff, the final exams will be different... 」 Satou, in 13th, chattered as Kouda, in 12th, nodded silently while he listened.

Smugly seated in his seat, Mineta, who surprisingly placed 10th, said, ​​「 It'll be tough since there's a practical exam, too. 」 Kaminari and Mina expressed their shock by getting irritated by the short purple-haired boy who they thought was like them.

Izuku (bless his heart) tried to cheer his classmates up by encouraging them. 「 Ashido-san, Kaminari-kun! L-Let's do our best! 」 The 4th ranker exclaimed with a smile, ​​「 We all want to go to the training camp together, right? 」

Tenya joined in, who was 2nd in the rankings, gesturing wildly with his hand. 「 Yes! As class rep, I also have high hopes that you'll all be moved to action! 」 Whilst 5th ranker, Shouto, on the other hand, unintentionally sent a jab at them with his statement. 「 It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class. 」

​​「 Be careful with your words! 」 Kaminari exclaimed, clutching his chest, as he averted his eyes away from their seemingly blinding aura.

​​「 You two, I may be able to be of assistance with the class lectures. 」 Momo, the rank 1 of their class, offered her assistance, making blond and pinkette to exclaim in pure gratefulness, ​​「 Yaomomo! 」

Despite her confidence in assisting their studies with the written exam, Momo sullens as she said, ​​「 I can't help at all with the practical, though... 」 To which both BoBoiBoy and Shouto look at her with confused expressions that no one but them notices.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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