Constitution vs. Gurrière

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August 19, 1812.

400 miles Southwest of Nova Scotia, the "British" ship H.M.S. Guerrière sailed alone, having been dispatched to find the elusive frigate, U.S.S. Constitution.

"You slipped between my fingers before, this time you will find yourself in my grip for good rebel scum."

Guerrière thought with great fluster on that cloudy afternoon.

Soon the British ship saw another ship-girl on the horizon as she knew who it was instantly.


The two warships sailed closer, eyeing each other up and down when Guerrière called out with a heavy French accent.

"Are you done running away!" Constitution smirked at the comment, tilting her head strangely.

"Your British accent is terrible." This mockery struck Guerrière deeply as she snapped.

"I'm French! You idiot!" The blonde American ship threw her hair back carelessly, her vicious smirk still in place.

"Ohhhh? Then that means you were... captured." This set the French ship-girl off as she yelled angrily now.

"That is none of your concern Rebel!" Guerrière threw open her red coat, summoning her cannons to battle.

"You're out of your league Frenchie, strike your colours. Do so and you'll be spared my fury, but know this, you will only find yourself in bondage to my country and me." Sweat beaded on Guerrière's forehead at the real threat of being taken prisoner again as she tried staring the larger ship-girl down.

"Fly them..., and you will be dealt with accordingly..." The Constitution was no longer smirking, her face serious as her declaration of terms.

Guerrière felt a slight chill run up her back, watching Constitution run up her colours for combat.

"Defend yourself L~ittle W~arrior! If you can!" Constitution opened her blue coat, her cannons at the ready.

"HOW DARE YOU RIDICULE ME SO FLAGRANTLY!" Guerrière screamed at hearing her name slandered sarcastically in English as her starboard guns opened up. The rounds fell short as the French girl cursed her guns.

"These damn British cannons and waves are going to be troublesome!"

The two traded rounds for half an hour, as the French girl noticed her cannonballs simply bouncing off of her enemy.

"Are her sides made of iron!?"

Suddenly Guerrière felt something snap on her back-rigging, her main mast had been blasted to splinters along with the others.

The large mast hit the water with a mighty crash, jerking Guerrière away from Constitution.

The American ship watched the wrecked French ship start to circle, her mast now acting as an inconvenient rudder.

The smirk returned to Constitution's face as she descended on the wounded French girl.

"Are you ready to surrender?" The blue-eyed Union girl questioned, slowly opening her coat.

"In your dreams rebel." Guerrière chuckled with blood running down her mouth.

"So be it..." Constitution sailed by and fired at point blank range as the French girl's body jerked violently from the cannonball hits.

"Strike your colours!" Constitution yelled, turning again and opening the other side of her coat.

"JAMAIS!" Screamed Guerrière in her native tongue as cannon fire smashed into her again. The French girl stumbled forward and fell to her hands and knees, blood pouring from all over her body.

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