The Iowa affair

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Norfolk, November 1943.

"Let's goooooo!"  The Fletcher class William D. Porter yelled and began to sail away when there was a loud tearing sound.

"Willy! Watch where you're going idiot." Her sister Pringle yelled, holding her skirt that was caught on Porter's anchor.

"Oh sorry Pringle, my bad." Porter apologized profusely as she unhooked her sister.

Laughing nervously she beat a quick getaway.

Soon the Fletcher saw a large ship-girl come into view as it was Iowa.

Sailing up, Porter saluted and introduced herself.

"William D. Porter reporting duty!" Iowa looked down at the small destroyer with a stern face.

"You're late." Porter began to laugh nervously again.

"Hehehe About that-?!" Porter was cut off as Iowa turned and yelled loudly.

"Set sail!" The others all turned and headed out leaving Porter alone.

The next day the weather picked up as the sea was just as rough.

"HOLD FAST!" Iowa ordered as the fleet was tossed around. 

"Oh man!" A wave stuck the Fletcher girl with full force and threw her off balance.

Straightening up, Porter heard a click.

"Huh?" Looking at her depth charge rack, she counted.

"4-5-6 where's the 7th? Oh no." Porter looked to the sea when a massive explosion erupted behind her.

Hearing this, Iowa's klaxon roared to life.

"Enemy attack! Take evasive action!" The fleet formed up defensively.

"Possible U-boat attack, we protect the package at all costs, even with our lives understood?" The reply from the others was instant.

"Yes Miss Iowa!" The fleet deployed as Porter fell in line with the others.

Iowa was on high alarm for two hours, demanding any sighting or any change in situation no matter how small.

After the sea and the situation had settled down, Porter sailed up to Iowa.

"Have you spotted the U-boat?" Iowa's hard eyes fell heavily on Porter.

"Uhhhh about that..." Willy pointed to her depth charge rack and laughed nervously again.

Iowa leaned in closely as she had had enough.

"Your antics are becoming quite taxing, one more screw up Porter and I'll have you in the brig, do WE understand each other?" Porter nodded slowly as Iowa leaned back and called out. 

"Stand down everyone." The fleet relaxed and resupplied before continuing on.

"At least try to have a little class Porter, it's free." Iowa looked back over her shoulder with a slightly disgusted look.

Willy just hung her head shamefully as tears built in her eyes.

"Let's go..." Willy said sadly, fighting back the tears and sailed far behind the others.

Two days later.

"Really Mr. President?" Roosevelt smiled brightly at Iowa's surprised tone.

"You're a precious ship of our navy. I have to make sure you can defend yourself from aircraft." Iowa felt steam blow out her ears to hear the president say such a thing.

"Yes, Mr. President!" Soon a AA demonstration was underway as large balloons were set off.

Iowa lifted her right hand gracefully as her AA batteries followed and opened fire.

The balloons started to pop as the president cheered.

Iowa felt the steam in her ears again as a few balloons floated towards Porter.

Willy couldn't help herself and opened fire, getting all 3.

"Hey, she's a good shot!" The president applauded as Iowa nodded knowingly at Porter.

Soon Willy and others were doing drills for simulated torpedo attacks at Iowa.

Porter aimed her torpedoes as it suddenly fired.

"Uh-oh..." Porter watched a live torpedo head right towards Iowa. Due to radio silence, Porter began to hail Iowa with her signal lamp.

Looking over, Iowa noticed the destroyer flashing her lamp.

"Porter is backing up?" Iowa wondered as she continued to watch the girl.

"Ohhh!" Suddenly Porter broke radio silence and signaled Iowa with codewords.

"Tor-pe-do...?!" It dawned on Iowa instantly as she was under attack.

"Hang on Mr. president!" Iowa cut hard right and out of the way of the torpedo.

"But I want to get a better look." Roosevelt smiled, despite being in danger.

The torpedo exploded behind Iowa as the massive ship-girl turned with piercing red eyes.

"Apprehend Porter immediately!" Two escorts grabbed Willy as Iowa was in front of Willy with iron chains in hands.

"You're under arrest." Iowa locked Porter's wrists tightly as the destroyer looked up.

"F-For what?" The small girl swallowed deeply.

"For the attempted assassination of the president of the United States..." Iowa said strictly, the color draining from Porter's face.

"I-I-I would n-never." Willy whispered quietly.

"Shut your mouth!" Iowa was done listening to anything the girl had to say.

"Either you are a traitor or the unluckiest ship-girl I've ever met..."

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