Last stand of H.M.A.S. Yarra

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March 4, 1942

Early morning...

"Everyone, wake up! It's the Sakura!" The Australian sloop Yarra yelled to the small convey sailing with her as they all awoke suddenly.

"No way! We're almost home!" Francol the tanker said with a panicked voice, looking to the ships on the horizon to the North.

"What are they?" The minesweeper MMS-51 asked cautiously as the color drained from Yarra's face.

"Big, probably cruisers, 3 of them plus a few destroyers heading right for us." The group looked fearfully at each other as the depot ship Anking said what they all were thinking.

"What do we do?"

Yarra looked at her watch, there was no way they could get to friendly waters or air cover in time.

"We head south "all ahead full" stop for nothing, maybe we come across a submarine or a patrol..." The Australian girl lied smoothly, seeing some hope in the convoy's eyes.

"I'll try and hold them as long as I can, good luck and godspeed." The Australian was met with a wave of complaints from the others as she began to turn around.

"You have your orders! Now! SCATTER!" The ships all began to sail in different directions.

North of the convoy a smile touched the heavy cruiser Atago's lips.

"Run little kittens, run..."

Her sisters Takao and Maya sailed behind her as they looked at each other.

Yarra fought the building panic, laying down a thick smokescreen for the others.

"Looks like a trouble-maker." Maya's sharp eyes spotted the sloop just inside the smoke.

Like a pack of wolves they descended on the small group of lightly armed ship-girls.

To the Sakura's surprise they saw a single ship sailing their way.

"Forget about her for now, cut down the others." Atago ordered, drawing her sword as her sister's followed suit.

Their 8in guns roared through the morning air as the screams started to ring out.

The Sakura stopped each ship-girl in their tracks as their swords cut them down.

First was Francol, then Anking, standing no chance against the heavy cruisers.

"No! Stop!" Yarra yelled, firing with everything she had as the massive cruisers danced away and attacked their next prey.

Disable by gunfire, MMS-51 turned fearfully to see Takao's blade pass silently through the minesweeper's throat.

Yarra watched MMS-51's head slide from her neck and hit the water as she was the only one now.

"Here kitten." Atago smiled again, slinging the blood from her blade.

Yarra noticed the other cruisers doing the same as they all sheathed their swords.

"Ara, Ara, you seem to be all alone little kitten." Atago teased with a wild grin.

"You're not thinking about taking this one, are you sister?" Takao grumbled, with Maya looking on blankly.

"Maybe, I've always wanted a pet." Atago's hand came up to hide a lustful smile.

"Why don't you "pet" your sisters, freak!" Yarra snapped as the three cruisers' ears and faces perked up in surprise.

"Are you looking for trouble, little one?" Takao put her hand on her sword.

"I'd be disappointed, you don't look like much trouble." Yarra smiled for the first time as Takao exploded.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Atago held her sister back as something passed by them quickly.

"Ugh!" Looking down, Yarra saw a blade sticking in her chest.

"With your disrespect, your life is forfeit." Maya said somberly, Yarra meeting her eyes.

Maya waited patiently for the Australian's sweet screams as the girl drew breath.

Instead of screams, the Sakura cruiser was taken back by a different sound.

Laughter, genuine laughter.

"Is she crazy?" Takao asked, having calmed down.

"Why are you laughing?" Maya demanded.

"I laugh because this War is going to take everything away from everyone."
Yarra chucked with blood streaming from the sides of mouth.

"Well then, I leave you in the grace and favor of the lord." Maya was shocked to hear such a thing from the Australian ship.

Yarra smiled brightly as she fell backwards and off Maya's blade.

"Brave, but stupid." Takao said quietly, when Yarra's gun fired one last time, almost hitting Maya.

The Aussie girl continued to smile as she slowly drifted under the water and out of sight.

The three cruisers headed out, when Maya looked over her shoulder at where Yarra had sunk.

"I hope you're wrong, dead wrong...."

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