Chapter 2 S4

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Sir nighteye: you little... What's with that face? What are you trying to do?

Midorya (still with an all might face and terrible voice): oh, well, umm...!

Sir nighteye began to walk towards midorya

Sir nighteye: you committed this outrage knowing that I was all might's former sidekick?

He grabbed midorya's face and began to analyze it.

Sir nighteye: all might's wrinkles are not like that. In his normal face, the wrinkles around his eyes are 0.6 cm long. From silver age on, they were about  0.8 long. These days, even unlicensed merchandise specifies in which "age" it's from. Do you not even know that?

Y/n (thoughts): why would anyone?

Sir nighteye then let go of midorya's face and began to walk away.

Sir nighteye: this is very unpleasant. Please leave.

Midorya: the vinegar riverbank incident... Are you not aware of that?

Sir nighteye stopped and looked at midorya.

Midorya: a middle schooler whose quirk could change the water quality was drowning in a river, and all might saved him. The drowning middle schooler changed the river into vinegar in his panic, and that got into all might's eyes when he jumped in to save him. This is the face he showed at the interview right after that... His smile with narrowed eyes... I chose that face here!

Sir nighteye: of course I know about that. It happened before I teamed up with him. They also mentioned it on the yomiuri TV program, A Look Back.

Midorya: yes, that one! They weren't any villains involved, and it's boring compared to his other work, so it's not really talked about on the fan sites, but I like it... I especially liked the witty response he gave after being thanked by the boy... "thanks to you-"

Sir nighteye: "-my skin feels ten years younger."

Mirdorya: that's it! I loved the "my skin" part!

Y/n (thoughts): what is this conversation.

Sir nighteye: you... Were you testing me?

Midorya: oh, no! It's just that because all might is a teacher at our school, it's hard to speak much about him, so I got excited and couldn't help myself...

Sir nighteye waljed to midorya.

Sir nighteye: the crux of that incident was the family life of that middle schooler.

You and mirio went to free bubble girl. 

Midorya: that's right! Whether you know that or not

Bubble girl: mirio... Y/n... What's with that kid...?

Mirio: he's one of my underclassmen, and y/n's bestfriend right?

Y/n: yeah, he is also a massive all might super fan. That's probably the only reason sir will give him a chance.


Sir nighteye: I see... So you want to do a work study here in order to be stronger?

You and midorya were infront of sir nighteye and he was sitting at his desk.

Midorya: yes, sir! Please allow it!

Sir nighteye: you have a contract from the school-

Midorya searches his bag.

Midorya: of course I brought it with me!

You do the same.

Sir nighteye: you will not interrupt me when I'm speaking.

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