ch. 19

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After sliding past tase and into my room my temper started to cool off. I slid down my door relieved. I sat there for awhile as I thought through what he asked. Was I more pissed off that he betrayed my trust or was it more because I have feelings for him and he basically slammed a door in my face and by betraying me showed me he doesn't feel the same?
I huffed and decided to take a bath while some of the ecstasy was still in my system. The water felt so nice as I swam around the deep walk in bath.  The cold feeling of the tiles Was nice too. Then eventually I just floated on my back staring at the ceiling as I wooshed my head side to side feeling the water going through my hair. After what felt like maybe 20 minutes I decided to get out of the bath, dried Off, and decided to sleep nude. I was too lazy to get dressed.
I woke up to a knocking at my door, I sat up and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. Once the darkened swirling in my vision subsided I saw Mizuki standing at the end of my bed with a blood bag. She threw it at me and I caught it with ease.
"We are to make an apparence as a couple for an important person's proposal in 4 hours. So wake up, here's an outfit" she tossed it on the bed "I know neither of us want to be in this situation but be there. On time is late show up atleast 15 minutes early. I will be sending tase to come fetch you 30 minutes before time." She turned around to walk out the door but turned back "oh and arkin. Don't dissapoint me or you'll regret your everlasting immortal life I promise you this." And she slammed the doors behind her.
Its too early in my sleeping schedule for her to be this scary. I flipped the tab on the bag and drank like the tube connected to the bag was a straw. I immediately felt better and more awake. Then the realization settled in. It was too soon to face tase after last night. I still don't have an answer for him.. if an answer was even what he was wanting.. he was probably just trying to get under my skin. Yea. That's it, no need to worry arkin. You'll be just fine.
After the blood was all gone I tossed the bag into the trash and decided to read for a little while. I looked at the time and got up to take a quick shower and get dressed in the outfit I was given. It was a tux with a cobalt blue tie.
"Atleast it's your favorite color." I looked behind me to see tase leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed.
"Would it kill you to knock?" He uncrossed his arms and started walking over to me.
"Knock? After last night? Didn't want to take the chance of a door getting slammed in my face again." Ouch that kinda hurt I thought to myself.
"What else did you expect me to do? Confess my feelings?" I over exaggerated "oh tase!" I leaned on him and put my forearm up to my face "however could I tell you? my feelings, they run so deep for you" I twirled myself to get behind him and placed my hands on either sides of his shoulders "let's run away so we can together!" I twirled myself again to get infront of him. I looked him deep in the eyes feelings of anxiety swelling to make a lump in my throat. I forced it down, caressing the left side of his face. "I love you please take me away from here." Then I fake fainted. "End of scene" I stood up and bowed to a nonexistent audience. "Thank you thank you I'm here every week." I started walking away from him as I looked down to get my tie tied,next thing I knew tase used his vampire speed and was infront of me.
The speed and lack of distance between our bodies caused me to step backwards and land myself right up against the wall. "Fuck" I mumbled under my breath. Tase smiled looking into my eyes then he grabbed the tie from around my neck and flipped it over, proceeding to tie it for me.
"You had it on backwards."
"Maybe I did it on purpose." He tightened the tie really slowly while looking into my eyes. I could feel the tie tightening around my neck. "I have a surprise for you by the way" My body tingling wanting him to tie it tighter as he said that.
"There" He stepped away and looked me up and down "much better." I was dissapointed.. wait.. I was dissapointed? No, this can't be happening. I was just harmlessly flirting before how did I get here. Do I actually like him. No. He hurt me. I'm not letting that little weezle in, yea. I'm not letting him in. I kinda hyped myself up.
"So what's the surprise?"
"I'll tell you later tonight after this deal is sealed that you and my sister need to make an apparence for. I'm going to need you to start packing your suit case the second you get to your room after it though."
"But what is it?
"I'll tell you after you've packed. When we are on our way there okay?"
"This is why I hate surprises." I glared at him.
"We need to get going to the ballroom for you to meet up with Mizuki."

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