Ch. 7

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I took off towards the west and eventually found myself in a giant library. It looked like something out of a fantasy movie. There were books that went all the way up to the ceiling with winding stair cases that led into different rooms some of them were hidden though. I traveled all the way to the highest point of the library and found myself a semi hidden reading nook to which I made myself at home and ran back to my room and brought up a blanket and one of the pillows.
I got my phone out to call my mom first to let her know I made it safely and to update her on my experience so far, of course with a few white lies added.
"Hey mom I was just checking in with you to let you know I made it here safely."
"I'm so glad honey, the house has finally been put up for sale and we have an appointment with someone tomorrow to look at it."
"That's great."
"Where are you right now sweetie?"
"I'm in a library at a hotel I'm staying at. It's so amazing mom."
"That's great Arkin, I'm glad you've settled in. So tell me, have you made any progress on finding your birth parents?"
"Yes actually I-"
"Arkin, I finally found you."
"Uh.. give me a second ma."
"What's up tase?"
"I brought you some food." He threw the blood bag at me and I caught it mid air.
"Oh thanks."
"Who is that Arkin? DO I HEAR A GUYS VOICE?!? You met a guy and didn't tell me?"
"Mom calm down he's just a guy I met passing by in the hotel. He's been very kind to me since I've arrived." Tase came and sat down next to me.
"Hi Mrs. jones." He spoke into the phone so I put it on speaker.
"Oh my god! It is a boy! Hi!" He laughed a bit
"Okay mom well I have to go now I'm gonna eat. I love you."
"Love you too sweetheart be safe. Use protection!" I hung up immediately after that last comment.
"Sorry about that, my mom can be a little..."
"Yea.. we'll go with that." I opened up the blood bag and started drinking it till it was empty. Then I sighed full from just one bag.
"I don't mean to get all depressing on you but you know eventually you'll have to disappear from the outside world right? Or atleast the people that know you now." I looked down at the phone in my lap.
"Yea.. I know but I should be fine for at least a year. I owe them that much."
"So can I ask why the library? And why so far up and secluded?" I looked around and smiled a little
"I love books, I love reading and writing. Takes me to other places. I've gotten to travel the world without having to leave the comfort of my home."
"Well you know as the prince you'll be able to travel wherever you want."
"I figured as much, but it's not the same as getting lost into a good book."
"TASE! ARKIN!" I instantly got annoyed with hearing Mizukis' voice echo through the library. Tase leaned and peered over the little cliff that is my secluded pyramid part of the library.
"Up here!" He signaled to her
"Did you have to tell her that?" I said annoyed and he looked at me with a small smile.
"Unfortunately yes."
"I HEARD THAT YOU RATS!" She said as she started climbing the latter to get up here.
"Good!" I yelled back
When she finally got up here she huffed and crossed her arms.
"What do you want?"
"We need you both in the banquet hall. We have to plan Arkins coronation." We both got up and we all headed to the hall.

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