Ch. 3

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I walked all the way to the back to finish the bus tub and waited impatiently for the dishwashing machine to be done. When you're waiting for dishes it seems as if it likes to take its sweet time. Mizuki finally came up to me.
"So how long have you been gay?" I laughed a bit
"My whole life.. well up till now.. I'm honestly confused when it comes to you." She nodes her head in silence like she knew something I didn't. "Anyways you really need to leave. This is my place of work and I can't deal with this stalker vampire shit right now." She nodded her head again and with that, she left. That was way too easy this time to get her to leave. Then I remembered she said we were supposed to be getting married. Did the information of me being gay send her away? And how are we to wed when I haven't even asked to marry her or anything of the sort?
Well, in any case, I hope she's gone and for good, I can't have anything getting in the way of my already planned out future. I'm going to LA to seek out my dream of becoming a music artist and that's that. My father and mother even though they have been separated for 15 years both support me, and they've made sure that I knew that if my plans didn't Fan out properly that they were here for me. That's all I need.
After closing I decided to walk home, I took the back way though. It's more scenic with all of the trees. I walked halfway home in silence until Mizuki appeared. I got annoyed as We walked in silence for a bit then she started talking.
"Hey... I think we might've gotten off on the wrong foot." I looked up shook and shook my head
"No... god.. geez your kidding." I said sarcastically.
"Start over?" She said trying to be more innocent than she was
"Sure.. not like it's going to kill me... not yet at least" I mumble the last part under my breath.
"I'm Mizuki" she held out her hand and I took it
"Nice to meet you Mizuki, I'm Arkin Jones" we walked back to my place in silence. It wasn't awkward it was actually nice to have someone to walk with for a change.
When I got home she asked if she could come in. I thought for a minute and remembered she'd have to be invited in since she was a vampire.
"No... I'm afraid I can't do that. After what happened with our first encounter and the whole stalking thing I can't let my house became free-range too." She got upset.
"You know not all vampires are the same, you idiot! We don't have to be invited to come in look!" She took a step through my door and went back outside. "If I wanted to taint your house I would've done it already you entitled brat, besides we aren't allowed to harm you in any way your royal snob of a prince!" She hissed showing her fangs and left.
"Dramatic much?!" I yelled knowing she could hear me. I shook my head and walked inside, I took all my clothes off and left a trail leading to my bathroom for a much-needed shower. After my hour-long shower, I crawled in my bed thanking the universe that I had a day off. I couldn't sleep at all I just Laying there tossing and turning till I got pissed off. I got up and made myself some food that I ended up throwing up, it was like my body was rejecting everything i ate or at least tried to eat.

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