ch. 20

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  I walked to the ballroom by myself and went to stand besides Mizuki.
"So what exactly are we doing?"
"An elder from another clan east of us has a proposal. It's very important that this deal is sealed. And arkin..." She turned to me in all seriousness "so you don't loose your cool there's something about this deal that you need to know." I knitted my eyebrows together confused. "The elder is selling his great great great great grandaughter to us and she's just shy of 16"
"Excuse me?"
"Elder Gerald was a turned vampire. He had a taste for adventure and got in too deep and met a woman who said she could change his fate but she abandoned him once he was turned.. He lost control and eventually the other clan found him and took him in. He kept tabs on his human family. He had a keen interest in this one specific child tho.. she was alot like him and he started following her around on her adventures to make sure she didn't get into harms way.. one day she fainted in the middle of the woods.. Gerald rushed her to the hospital and watched from a distance. He soon found out that she was diagnosed with a fatal illness and gave her some of his blood which could only cure her for a little while.. she would need to drink vampire blood the rest of her living life if she was going to surive without being turned. It's also against his clans rules to interfere with human affairs and he interfered with a natural death. They gave him an ultimatum, either he be sent to exile and live without the clans protection or he sell her to another clan to be a peace offering to bring the clans together in times of need."
"So he's selling her to our clan to protect her.. I understand... so she's not been turned then?" Mizuki noded no
"She needs to be turned by one of our own when she's atleast 18 but our clan would prefer 21 since it's easier for her to be an adult adult.... especially in our world. This means she's going to have to drink royal vampire blood arkin; Your vampire blood, in order to survive till she's older."
There was no further discussion as the other clan walked in. We greeted them, accepted the offer, had some drinks, talked about, then went our separate ways. Once I got back to my room all of my feelings came spilling out. This girl didn't have a choice to begin with and now she's being submerged in vampire buisness.. I'm sure she feels like she's drowning in it all.
There was a knocking at my door and tase let himself in.
"I can hear you hyperventilating from the hallway. You need to control yourself arkin."
"SHE'S ONLY 15 FOR FUCKS SAKE TASE! HAS ANYONE EVEN ASKED HER WHAT SHE WANTED OR HAVE THEY JIST BEEN TREATING HER LIKE PROPERTY THEY OWN THAT CAN BE SOLD!?" I paced around the room. "Did anyone even ask if she'd rather live out the rest of her remaining life as a human or did she just not get a choice?" Tase came over and hugged me tight while caressing my hair.
"Unfortunately Gerald made a decision, one he was unable to take back the second he fed her his blood. He reacted with feeling and now his clan is trying to help clean up his mess. With all the testing and blood sampling they were doing with her in the hospital, he didn't have a choice but to take her. They would've found blood cells from vampire blood that doesn't match anything in their database leaving her to be poked and prodded at even more."
  I was silent. There wasn't much else I could do or say at this point, I just felt numb. "Maybe this will be good for you tho, Both of you actually..Not being the only newbie here. You could be a beacon of hope for her. Teach her the things you've been taught, be there for her, like an older brother type of figure in her life here. Of course you'll be seeing her alot regardless since she'll have to be fed your blood anyhow." I stopped letting him hug me and just looked at him and nodded.
"Hey you still haven't told me what the surprise was.. I haven't had a chance to pack yet though."
"Oh right!" He pulled out 2 freshly printed plane tickets handing them to me. I stared at them wide eyed.
"I thought once I was turned I wasn't allowed to see my family again?! Tase how did you pull this one off?!" I was so excited that I absent-mindedly kissed his cheek. Once I realized what I did I froze in horror then pushed him put of my room and slammed the door in his face.
"Uhh.. arkin?" He said awkwardness in his voice "because of tonight's deal.. we uh... we don't leave for another day actually so.. if you want to hold off on packing you can.. just take your time.." He paused for me to say something to nite I heard him but I couldn't speak. "Okay.. um... our person who does all of our blood stuff is going ro be coming by tonight to take blood from you for the girl to drink while we are away for the next week. It shouldn't more than 1 blood bag tho seeing as she only has to drink blood every 2 weeks to maintain her human life." He paused again. "Umm. Okay then. I uh.. guess I'm gonna just go now then." I took a breath of relief and decided to go wash my face with cold water.

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