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Hey.... It's been a while Huh? Thought I should start writing again for fun. Let me know if you like the new chapters! ^^

Lance walked back upstairs to Keith. He was still trying to wrap his brain around what he had just seen. Matt and Shiro?! He hadn't seen that one coming... why was Matt even over here in the first place? Trying to make sense of it all made his head hurt. He quietly pushed open the door to Keith's room and shut it behind him. He looked over to see his omega had fallen asleep again. He was curled up against the pillows, his fluffy black hair sticking up in every direction. Lance shook his head and smiled, walking over and setting the glass of water he had gotten onto the bedside table. What was he going to do with him?

Matt sat on the couch beside Shiro, keeping a good distance between them. He was starting to have second thoughts... Shiro was one of his best friends brother! There was no way Keith would be okay with this. Was this even legal?! Shiro was 23, and Matt wasn't even 18 yet. Okay, he was 17 and his birthday was in a month... but still. He didn't want Shiro to get in trouble because of him.

Shiro watched the other male with a heavy heart. He could tell he was having second thoughts about what he just happened... it had come out of nowhere. Shiro couldn't even describe the feeling. It had been passion, love... had it all been fake? They had only known each other for a couple moments and yet... it felt as if Shiro had known him for a lifetime. Shiro looked over Matt's face, the younger male desperately trying to make sense of everything that was going on.

Shiro gently placed a hand on his knee, causing Matt's head to snap up and stare into his eyes. "Matt... if this was a mistake... if you don't want this after all, just tell me. I won't be mad." Shiro smiled sweetly, gently rubbing his knee with his fingers. Matt sighed and pushed up his glasses, rubbing his eyes. "No... I..." Matt bit his lip. "I don't know, my feelings are so confusing. I didn't even know I liked guys! I... don't like guys? I never have before. It's all just so... confusing..." Matt said softly. Shiro bit his lip and looked to the side. He knew what that meant. He wasn't stupid. "Then... you should leave."
Matt looked up to Shiro, bitting his lip. "Shiro..."
"I'm not mad Matt, I promise I'm not. But... you need time to wrap your head around this. I think I do too." Shiro smiled and removed his hand from Matt's knee. Matt felt a pang of guilt and looked off to the side. "Yeah... I suppose I do."

By the time Keith woke up, Lance was snoring beside him. Not cute little snores like he normally had, these ones were so loud and annoying Keith wouldn't be surprised if they were the reason he woke up. Keith sighed and shook his head, brushing back his dark hair from his eyes. Sweat dripped down his forehead and his skin felt hot to the touch. His fever was still raging, but at least he didn't feel like death anymore. Keith stretches his arms and yawned softly, carefully untangling Lance's arms from around his body. He stood up for a moment, stopping to make sure his boyfriend didn't wake up before heading downstairs for food.

Shiro'a car wasn't in the driveway which was weird. Maybe he went to get groceries or something? It was the weekend after all... or maybe something happened at work? Shiro usually left a note, but Keith couldn't find one anywhere. Maybe he talked to Lance while he had been asleep... that had to be it. Shiro wouldn't just leave without feel king anyone, that wasn't something Shiro would do. Keith walked to the fridge and pulled out some eggs. He was hungry and had a craving for some scrambled eggs. He planned to make some up and head back upstairs to Lance for some cuddles.

Keith hummed softly and he poked at the eggs with a spatula. So far, cooking was going well. Which for Keith, was a rare occurrence. He was good with his fists, not with a pan. Keith sighed and shook his head, pulling the eggs off of the heat. He scraped them into a bowl and set the pan in the sink. Movement caught his eye out the window and quickly his head snapped up. He didn't see anything, but Keith still felt on edge. Because he had definitely seen something. Shiro's car still wasn't in the driveway, Lance was passed out upstairs and Keith highly doubted their friends would sneak around by the windows. Quickly, Keith ran over to all the doors and windows to make sure they were locked. He wasn't taking any chances. He thought about running upstairs and waking up Lance but stopped himself. His alpha was getting some much needed rest at the moment. It could have been a squirrel he saw! Nothing was wrong, he was in no danger. But Keith felt the doubt of those words sit heavy in his mind. He wasn't buying it, not for a second.

Keith sat at the table and forked some eggs into his mouth. He sighed and shook his head, trying to convince himself he hadn't seen anything, that nothing was wrong. But his instincts were nagging at him to go upstairs to his alpha. Finally, he gave in. Keith finished his bowl of eggs and set the bowl into the sink. He walked up the stairs quite quickly. Keith figured he could stay in the room with Lance, despite trying to keep independence. It would make him feel a little better.

Keith curled up in a beanbag chair in the corner of his room. He was watching a video on his phone, sweat dripping down his forehead. Damn fever. He hated being sick. He could feel his throat scratching and his nose running. Lance stayed in Keith's bed, his face pressed against the pillows. He was still snoring away and drooling all over Keith's freshly washed pillowcases. He would have to wash them again after this... great. Just great. But with how cute his boyfriend looked, he couldn't be mad. Suddenly, Keith heard a loud crash and a smashing noise. Keith jumped up, his phone clattering to the ground. Lance also stirred from his slumber and looked up. He looked to Keith with a sleepy look on his face. "Baby? What was that?" He mumbled softly.
Keith bit his lip and looked to the door of his room. "I-I dong know..."
Lance picked up on the worried tone of his voice and frowned, sitting up. "Keith?"
Keith sighed and shook his head. He stood up and walked over to Lance, who was waiting with open arms. He fell against the other boys chest while Lance pressed a kiss to his forehead. Keith bit his lip and looked to the door again while Lance ran his hand against his shoulder. "What's going on Keith?" Lance asked softly.
Keith sighed softly and shook his head. "Nothing, I'm being stupid... I was downstairs and thought I saw something out the window. But it was probably a squirrel..."
Lances eyes widened and he quickly wrapped his arms around Keith tighter. "Why didn't you tell me?! It could have been Lotor, or one of his goons..."
"I-I didn't want to seam weak..."
Lance sighed softly and shook his head. "Princess, you aren't weak. You never will be weak. Admitting when you need help is one of the greatest signs of strength there is." Lance gently spoke, running his fingers through his boyfriends long hair. Keith smiled and looked down at the floor. "Y-yeah... maybe you're right."
Lance frowned and looked to the door. "Now... to find out what that noise was. Stay close to me."
Lance stood up and held Keith against his side protectively. Keith could feel Lances alpha instincts radiating off of him. It made him feel safe in a way. Knowing Lance would do anything to protect him. Keith held Lances hand as they two carefully walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Lance frowned, seeing the front portrait window had been smashed to bits. He saw a rock on the floor of the living room with a note strapped to it. Slowly, Lance walked over to it, keeping Keith pressed against his side. He picked it up and unfolded the note. The sight of it making his blood boil.

'The next time, it will be lover boys head. Stay away from my Keith.'

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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