Over The Top

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"Are you sure you have everything? Lunch? Binder? Pepper spray..."
"Pepper spray?!" Keith interrupted. "Why the fuck would I need pepper spray?"
"Language, and as a precaution."
Keith rolled his eyes. "Shiro, it's a school. Nothing is going to happen to me."
"I know, I know..."
Shiro stoped the car outside of the front entrance. "Just, please be safe?"
"Yeah, yeah."
Keith opened the door. "I'll pick you up, okay?"
"Fine." He closed the door, stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked to the school.

Pidge, Hunk and Lance sat at the back of the class, talking amongst each other. Hunk and Lance were both soccer players, some of the best on the team. They had the opportunity to be quite popular, but both of them would rather to hang out with their other friends who weren't considered "popular." Pidge was one of the biggest nerds in the school. But she was insanely smart at witty. Despite being a omega she wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with a alpha, which often got her into trouble. Hunk was a adorable cinnamon roll. He always had a big smile on his face and was ready to help anyone in need. He was also very intelligent and strong despite him being only a beta. Then there was Lance. Lance was a total flirt. He used his popularity to get around with all the girls. However, he was quite different from the other alphas. He was more sweet, and didn't try to do anything the other person wasn't comfortable with. Most alphas take what they want without giving it a second thought. But Lance couldn't imagine taking advantage of someone like that. The pure thought of it made him queasy. Especially because he knew quite a few omegas, including Pidge and one of his siblings. If anything ever happened to them Lance would personally rip the alpha who hurt them head off.

"Did you hear? A new student is arriving today." Hunk whispered to his friends.
"Ooo! Hopefully they like Star Wars!!" Pidge squealed.
"What is with your obsession with Star Wars?" Lance chuckled.
Hunk held up his hands. "I'm sure she is, don't bite me."
Lance jabbed Pidge in the ribs. "Yeah, be a good gremlin." He snorted.
The bell rang, saving Lance from his inedible death. "You are soooo lucky." Pidge growled.
"Class, may I have you attention?"
Everyone turned to face Mr.Coran. He was standing at the front of the class, his hand on a boys shoulder. "This is Keith, he is new to the town. I want you all to show him kindness, and help him around the school."
He pointed to where the trio was sitting. "There is a empty seat next to Ka-Pidge in the back there. Pidge, please raise you hand."
Pidge raised her hand and waved to him. Keith walked over and sat down next to her. "Now, if you all could turn to page 83..."
Lance was caught of guard by a smell. It was sweet like lavender and honeysuckle. But it was also tangy like a grapefruit. Immediately he was drawn to it. It wasn't one of those scents that suffocated you from it's intensity. There almost wasn't enough if it. The sweet scent obviously belonged to a omega. Lance knew Pidge's scent by heart. She smelt like peaches and strawberries. No one else in the class was a omega, but...
He looked at Pidge. They both shared a look. Keith was a omega. One of six others in the entire school.

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