Meet The McClains

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Lance protectively held Keith close as the two walked down the street. He cursed himself for letting Veronica drive his car home from school. Walking with an omega at night or first thing in the morning was dangerous. There might be crazy drugged up alphas around any corner. The thought of that was enough for Lance to have a death grip on Keith. Keith however, didn't see how it was really necessary. Even if an alpha did pop out, Lance would still be beside him regardless. But it helped to calm the alpha's nerves. So he went along with it.

Lance led Keith down to his house. It was much smaller then Keith's house. Despite the face there were more people living there. Even walking into his own house Lance was nervous. He didn't know why. It wasn't like his family was going to hurt Keith. His instincts were in overdrive at the moment. Making him extremely protective and cautious.

As soon as Lance opened the door Keith was hit with a wave of warm air. He could see a wood fire crackiling  in the living room. A man was sitting in front of the fire with a newspaper in one hand and a pipe in the other. Everyone else was gathered in the kitchen cooking and laughing. Although, two little boys kept excitedly running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. They weren't doing a whole lot to help. But they looked to young to even help quite yet. "Mamma! I'm home! I brought mon amigo!" Lance called.
A women looked up over the counter. She was pleasantly plump and had a warm, kind smile. Her hair was the same dark brown as Lance with dark chocolate eyes. Her dimples face was covered in freckles. She wasn't tiny, but she wasn't tall either. Besides the two young boys, she was the smallest there. Keith recognized one of the girls to be Veronica. The other Keith hadn't met before. She was very tall, maybe even the same height as Lance. Her hair was a lighter brown then both Lance and Veronica. She had her mother's dark chocolate eyes and dimples. But she had no freckles anywhere that Keith could see.

The older women turned to Lance. "There you are mi amour! Where have you..."
she noticed Keith hiding behind Lance a little. Her scolding expression towards her eldest sun melted into a gentle smile. "Who is this?" She asked softly.
Veronica recognized Keith and he face turned into a cheeky little grin. As much as she wanted to make jokes at her older brother, Keith already looked really nervous. She didn't want to make him worry anymore and kept those thoughts to herself. Don't get her wrong, she would be reading Lance as soon as Keith left. "Mamma, this is Keith. He is mon amigo."
Keith gave her a shy, nervous smile. "I-It's Nice to meet you M-Mrs.McClain."
The older women laughed. "Isn't he a sweetheart!? Call me Rosa mi amour."
"O-Okay Rosa." He smiled.
"Well you already know Lance. These are my daughters Veronica and Jasmeen. The two young boys are Marco and Luis. And my lovely husband is Andre."
The man from the living room offered a smile and the two girls waved politely. It was obvious the household was big on manners. It worried Keith a little that he wouldn't be able to meet their high standards. Lance and him technically weren't together. Well they were... it was just complicated. He loved Lance. But another relationship? It scared him to a degree.   Sure they had kissed and cuddled, but that was different. Well, at least in Keith's mind it was.

Lance was relived at the face Veronica and Jasmeen didn't start teasing them. Poor Keith probably would've had a heart attack. He always knew his family would like Keith. He was shy, quiet, polite and sweet. That was about all you needed to be to be accepted bu the McClain's. To just be kind and polite.

Rosa looked down and noticed her son holding onto Keith's hand tightly. Lance had come out to them as Bisexual a while ago. Everyone had accepted him. Andre had a hard time understanding, but he never stoped loving his eldest son. After only meeting Keith for a few minutes she already liked him. You could tell just by looking at him that Keith had been through a lot. But, he was also a sweetheart. The way he was clinging to Lance and hiding behind him a little already confirmed the face he cared for Lance. That was all she wanted for her children. To find someone who was kind, and made them happy.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Keith." She smiled and turned to Lance. "You May take Keith up to your room. You are excused from dishes for tonight."
Lance smiled brightly. "Thank you mamma!"
He happily dragged Keith upstairs to his room.

It wasn't long before the two boys were contently laying on Lance's bed. Keith was of course, nuzzled up against Lance's side with his head on the taller boy's chest. Lance fondly stroked the other males long raven hair. "Do... do you think they like me?" Keith asked softly.
Lance smiled and gently kissed the top of his head. "They love you. I'm sure of it." There wasn't many people mamma Rosa didn't like. And if she didn't,  you knew there was a good reason not to. Lance kept pressing kisses to Keith's head. He began to feel... odd. He was getting really hot, and all he wanted to do was kiss the smaller male. It was all cute with Lance pressing kisses to his face and head. Until he started to mouth his way down Keith's neck. Keith's breathing quickened. "L-Lance!"
Lance ignored him and kept kissing and licking at his neck. Keith pushed the alpha away. "I-I don't want that..."
"Keith. It's fine."
Keith frowned. Something  clearly wasn't right. Normally, if he so much as squirmed Lance would ask if he was okay. He never pushed him to do anything he didn't want.

"W-What's going on?"
"Calm down. I wasn't doing anything."
The omega felt very, very uncomfortable. He was about to say so when a very strong alpha scent hit him. It was Lance's ocean breeze scent. But it was clouded with a thick musk. Keith's nose scrunched up by the scent. What was wrong with Lance? "Lance?! What's going on?!" He asked in a more assertive tone.
That seamed to snap Lance out of whatever mindset he was in. The alpha looked around the room briefly before looking down to his lap.  "Fuck..." he whispered.
"Lance?!" Keith panicked.
Lance looked up at him. "Keith, you need to leave."
Keith's eyes widened. "W-What?! Why?!"
"I'm starting a r-rut. If you're here I-I... I doing be able to stop myself."
Keith's eyes widened and he whimpered a little. Lance hated that. Knowing that Keith was getting scared because of him. Getting scared OF him. "P-Princess listen to me. G-Go downstairs and get Jasmeen. She'll drive you home."
Keith helplessly looked at him. "B-But I want to help you!"
Lance's inner alpha perked up at that. His omega was willing to mate! However, serious Lance cut through that idea pretty quickly. If Keith was truly ready and able to mate his heat would've started on the same day as soon as he sensed his alpha going into a rut. That fact that he didn't meant he wasn't ready or didn't want to mate. Lance wasn't mad at him for not wanting to. Keith had been through some tough shit. When it all came down to it, Lance was more concerned about Keith's health and happiness then any sexual desire.

"I know that's a lie Keith."
Keith whimpered a little, worried that Lance would be upset with him. Lance grit his teeth. Keith's scent was everywhere and it was getting stronger. If this went on much longer Lance wouldn't be able to contain himself. "K-Keith! P-Please, you need to go!"
Keith gave him one more look before running to the door. He was about to turn the handle when he heard Lance cry in pain. Keith looked over to see Lance curled in a ball in a lot of pain. There wasn't anything he could do. Keith wasn't ready to mate, that was that. He quickly took off his hoodie and threw it at Lance before running back downstairs. Lance saw the hoodie and quickly grabbed it, holding it close to his nose. Keith's signature honeysuckle grapefruit scent was still laced within the fabric. It made Lance smile. He couldn't have Keith there. But having something that smelt like him was the next best thing.

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