Meet The Crew

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Keith half limped, half walked down the street. This was beyond stupid. An injured omega, alone, at night. Shiro didn't even know where he was. He had snuck out the window and climbed down the house. Heck, he didn't even know Keith was outside! He shook these thoughts out of his mind. Hunks house was less then a block away, it would be less dangerous to keep going then turn back. He could always ask Matt and Pidge to walk him home. He neared the house and he could here laughing. Pidge had said to come through the gate and climb up to the treehouse. Keith unlocked the gate and walked through, following the sound of voices. In the corner of the dark yard was a good sized tree house. Laughter and light flooded from the windows. Keith walked across the grass, and stood in front of the ladder. He didn't want to just come up, so he pulled out his phone and texted Pidge. "I'm here."
"Great! Just come up the ladder!"
Keith groaned. He put his foot onto the bottom rung and slowly climbed up the ladder. Pidge heard him and looked down, smiling when she saw Keith. "You made it!"
"Who made it?" A familiar voice asked.
Keith made it to the final step and swung himself over the edge of the landing. He looked over to see no other then Lance McClain, staring at him. 

"Who's this?" Allura asked confused.
"Oh that's right! Allura, Shay, meet Keith. He's new in town."
Keith waved politely. "Oh, so your Keith." Allura smirked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.
"Oh nothing, don't worry about it!"
She gave him a sugar coated smile. Keith raised an eyebrow, very confused. Meanwhile, Lance finally picked his jaw up off the ground. "What are you doing here?!?"
Keith sat down next to Pidge and Matt. "I was invited, there a problem?"
"W-well Yeah!" He sputtered.
"I'm listening."
Everyone watched Lance, wondering what he was going to say. But Lance only crosses his arms. "I don't need to explain myself to you!"
Keith snorted. "Yeah, sure."
Lance threw his hands in the air and slumped next to Hunk, pouting. Hunk gave his best friend a pat on the back. Allura watched this entire interaction, a small smirk on her face. "He's so gay." She whispered to herself.

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