Bring On The Gay

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Keith and Lance walked into class, hand in hand. The bell hadn't rung yet. The only ones in the classroom were Pidge, Hunk and Mr.Coran. When Pidge saw them holding hands she slammed her own hand down on the table. "BRING ON THE GAY!"
Hunk put his face in his hands, regretting ever being friends with the small girl beside him. Mr.Coran smiled at the two boys. He had been able to tell by looking at Keith that he was Gay. And Lance had come out to him as BI a little over a month ago. Did this affect his opinion on them? Of course not! He was happy the two boys found each other. He smirked at the two boys. "I might.. 'Accidently' forget to check the table pairs today..."
Keith blushed at all the attention, but Lance laughed. "Thanks Coach."
He and Keith sat down at Lance and Hunk's table. "Wait wait wait..." Hunk interrupted. "I have to sit with Pidge?!"
Pidge cackled. "Oh come onnnn! We'll have fun together Hunkkkk!"
Hunk groaned and hit his head on the table. "Kill me."

Soon lunch came. The two boys had been inseparable the entire day. They hadn't run into Lotor yet, much to Keith's relief. Surprisingly, the others didn't ask a million questions. Nothing changed. They were still the exact same and treated them the same. Not that Keith and Lance believed they would treat them differently. There was just so little reaction from any of them. Like this was normal.

Keith sat beside Lance at the table with Pidge squashed beside him. She was practically on top of him, pushing him into Lance more. "STAR TRACK IS NOT BETTER THAN STAR WARS!" she yelled at her brother.
Matt rolled his eyes. "I'm disowning you as my sister."
"Come on guys... can't we all be kind to each other?" Hunk offered.
"Shut up Hunk!" The Holt siblings said in usion.
"Look! You agreed on something!" Lance laughed.
Shay patted Hunk's back. "I agree with you. They need to learn to stop fighting." She said softly.
Hunk smiled and gave her a hug. "It's too much purity, i'm going to puke." Keith said.
Hunk laughed and kissed Shay's head. "Says the one who's probably already did the do with Lance...."
"PIDGE SHUT YOUR FACE!" Lance yelped, his face bright red.
Allura facepalmed. "Please. Stop."
Keith looked at the ground, his face burning. "Soooo... you guys free to meet up after school?" Matt asked, trying to change the subject.
The normal happy chatter started up again. Keith wasn't paying attention to much. He was to busy fiddling with Lance's hand under the table. Lance couldn't help but smile. Keith was seriously the cutest person ever. Lance couldn't help but wrap a arm around his waist and pulled him a little closer. Keith smiled and rested his head on Lance's shoulder.

The conversation continued, Keith starting to contribute a little. The hairs on the back of his neck stuck up. He shivered a little. Lance noticed and looked down at him. "You cold?" He asked.
"N-no.. It feels like someone's.. Watching us."
Lance quickly looked around. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary. "I don't see anything..."
"I'm probably imagining it."
Lance frowned. He didn't quite believe that. His alpha senses were going crazy. Keith was in distress, or so his instincts told him. Lance raked a hand through Keith's hair. "You sure?"
He nodded. Lance sighed. "Okay..."

From across the room, sat Lotor. Staring at the two of them. He felt anger rise in his chest. Keith was his. His only! Lance... Lance needed to die.

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