More Then a Little Tense

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Keith kept shaking. What was Lance going to do? Hurt him like Lotor did when he used that voice? Instead, Lance wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "Your fucking special to me god dammit!"
Tears ran down from Lance's face. Keith's eyes widened. Lance was... crying. "L-Lance..."
Lance didn't answer. He kept a tight grip on Keith and cried into his shoulder. Enough was enough. They were both under a shit ton of stress right now. They needed a release. Keith pulled Lance inside gently. He led the alpha up to his room and closed the door. Lance kept a tight grip on Keith as the omega flopped onto his bed and pulled Lance with him. Lance scrambled to get ahold of Keith. He tucked the omega against his chest, and hid his face in Keith's messy raven hair. Keith gently rubbed Lance's chest soothingly. "K-Keith... I-I'm so s-Sorry!" He sobbed.
Keith kept rubbing his chest. " I know... it's okay..."
"I-It's not okay! I saw how you froze! I scared you!"
Keith took a deep shaky breath. "Y-you used your alpha voice. I didn't have much of a choice..."
Lance kept crying against the smaller male. Keith could do little about it besides hugging him.

It was a while later before Lance finally calmed down enough for Keith to get through to him. Keith kept gently stroking his hair and kissing his chest. For once, Lance was weak. Keith had to be strong for them. He had to show Lance everything was okay. "Lance?" He whispered softly.
Keith was only answered with soft snores. He smiled and kissed his cheek. Keith wasn't worried about the fact they had to go to school tomorrow. That there would be a whole whirlwind of new problems to deal with, he didn't care. There was nothing that could tear Keith away from this moment. Even as he slept, Lance held Keith tight against his chest. Keith pressed a few more kisses to Lance's chest before closing his eyes and falling asleep in his arms.

"You look so pretty for me baby~"
"Lotor stop it. I don't want this..."
"Did I say you could speak?!"
"I-I'm sorry! I-I..."
"Get on the bed, now."
"Fuck this Keith! I've had it with you telling me no! I am your alpha. You do as I say!"
"P-P-Please, N-No!"

Keith sat up in bed so fast, Lance's arms gave out from the force. Lance whimpered when he no longer had Keith in his arms. Keith sat there panting. It was just a dream. Lotor wasn't here. He was with Lance. He was safe. Keith felt tears roll down is face. He looked over to Lance. He wanted to wake him up. Let Lance hold him and kiss him and tell him everything was okay. But he didn't. He had caused enough problems already. Keith snuggled back down against Lance's chest. Lance smiled again and wrapped his arm around his waist. Keith couldn't sleep after that. He nuzzled his face into Lance's neck, trying to calm himself down. "K-Keith?" Lance stirred.
Keith quickly shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Lance smiled softly and tossed his long hair before pressing a gentle kiss on his head.

School had become a pain. It was terrifying to go and took up way more energy then it should. The whole gang was stressed out of their minds. It was just turning noon, and the Voltron gang was crowded around there usual table. Allura slammed her hand down on the table. "This is getting ridicules! How much longer is this going to go on?!"
"We don't know what they are planning." Matt said sadly. "We can't predict their next move..."
Having not slept at all last night, Keith was more then a little tired. He was currently sitting in Lance's lap with his head resting on his chest. His eyes were closed, and he softly inhaled and exhaled. One of Lance's arms were wrapped around Keith's waist while the other softly stroked his long black hair. No one dared to try and wake him up. Lance looked like he was ready to bite someone's head off if they so much as touched him.

"Hunk! Lance! Matt!"
The three boys looked up when their names were called. Lance quickly held Keith closer. A boy around their age walked over. He was one of the other boys on the soccer team. "Hey guys, the team is having a party tomorrow night. Will we see you there?" He looked over to Allura. "The cheer squad is invited to."
Lance wanted to say no. A room full of Alpha's around his Keith? Fuck no! "Maybe, we'll have to see." Matt answered.
The boy smiled. "Cool! Hope to see you there!" He walked off.

Lance glared at Matt. "I know what your going to say Lance. But this isn't healthy. We can't live in fear because of this guy. I think we should try to go. Actually have some fun for once."
Lance looked down at the bundle of adorableness in his arms and sighed. "Fine. But if Keith says no I'm not going."

It was too soon before the lunch bell rang, dismissing them to go to class. Lance looked down at Keith as the others left. He could see the bags under his eyes. He didn't want to wake him up. Instead, Lance scooped the smaller boy into his arms. Keith whimpered and cling onto him. Lance slowly walked out to his car in the student parking lot. He sat in the back seat and laid Keith's head on his lap. Keith smiled a little and nuzzled into Lance's lower stomach. Lance smiled and kept stroking Keith's long black hair. Shiro would be pissed for letting him do this. But he didn't care. Keith needed sleep. Since he actually managed to fall asleep on his own, there was no way Lance was going to disturb him.

It wasn't until the bell rang for everyone to leave did Keith Open his eyes. He still looked sleepy and unaware of what was happening. "Hey princess, how are you feeling?" Lance asked softly.
Keith shrugged and sat up. He nuzzled himself against Lance's chest. Lance wrapped his arms around him and peppered kisses on his head. Keith smiled a little, his eyes closing again. As much as Lance wanted to hold Keith here forever and let him sleep, he had to get Keith home. "Princess, I need to get you home." Lance whispered softly.
"Noooooo." Keith whined.
Lance chuckled softly. "Come on, Shiro is going to be worried."
"Fuck Shiro. I'm comfortable." He grumbled.
Lance smiled and kissed his head. "Please princess? You can sleep once your home."
Keith mumbled in agreement. Lance knew as soon as Keith woke up a little he wouldn't go back to sleep. But if he really wanted to he could. Lance took Keith's hand and took him out to the passenger seat. He slid into the drivers side beside him. He couldn't help but think about the party... he knew how much Keith hated parties. But Matt was right. He would convince Keith to go. They needed to get out of the house. And this was the perfect excuse to.

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