A Day Of Rest

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Lance was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling thinking of his boyfriend. He usually found himself doing this. Who could blame him? His boyfriend was a fucking snack. Lance was happy he had finally asked him. He was worried Keith would turn him down because of the whole Lotor ordeal. But he didn't. And Lance couldn't be more grateful he didn't. He smiled and sat up, brushing his hair away from his eyes. Keith was supposed to be coming over later. Shiro and him were having a bonding day. Keith said they just watched a movie together or something. Lance was upset that he couldn't spend time with him, but he couldn't deny him time alone with his brother. That would be selfish. Shiro was his family, and Keith loved him a lot. Just like he loved his siblings.

Keith woke up that morning feeling very hot. His stomach hurt and his throat aked. He whined and rolled out of bed, going downstairs. Shiro was sitting at the table with the daily news and a cup of coffee. "Shirooooooo." He whined.
"I already told you Keith. We should have some time alone tod..." he looked up and his eyes widened.
Keith's face was very pale and his eyes were all red and puffy. "Keith, are you okay?"
"I don't feel good." He whined.
Shiro stood up and placed a hand on his forehead. "Your burning up!"
Keith whined again, and tried to move closer to Shiro. His skin was nice and cool. "Let's get you back to bed buddy."
"Noooo, I don't wanna sleep."
Shiro sighed. Ever since Keith was little when he got sick he went... weird. He would go all whiny and delusional. It was cute to say the least. Because you know everything he was saying was what he kept in the back of his mind.

"But, but I wanna spend the day with my big brooo!" He whined more.
Shiro's heart melted at that. Keith really did want to spend the day with him. But that was out of the question. Keith was sick, he needed rest. "We can do it another time buddy." He tossled Keith's hair. "Let's get you to bed."

Keith whined the entire walk up to his room. Mostly about how much he wanted to spend the day with Shiro. Shiro opened the door to his bedroom. "But, but I was supposed to meet with Lance laterrrr!" He whimpered.
Shiro sighed. "I'll give him a call, okay?"
He knew as soon as the younger alpha heard his omega was sick he would be here in a instant. But that was okay. Shiro couldn't have Keith alone forever, Lance was his boyfriend. He and Keith would have their day alone together next week. For right now, having Lance there seamed like a good idea.

Lance was talking with Jasmeen downstairs when his phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID. Seeing it was Keith he smiled. "Who is itttt?" Jasmeen teased.
Lance laughed at that. "Keith, give me a second."
"Sureeee thing!" She laughed.
Lance answered the call and stepped outside onto the patio. "Everything okay Princess? You said you would be with Shiro all day today."

"Hey Lance, this actually is Shiro."
Lance immediately started panicking. Why was Shiro calling him on Keith's phone? Was something wrong? "Is Keith Okay?!" He blurted out.
Shiro laughed at his uneasiness. "Well, more of less. He woke up sick this morning."
Lance's heart rate returned to normal after he explained. "O-Oh, How is he?"
"Ehh... Keith gets delusional when he's sick. But he's doing ok.."
"Big broooooo!!" Lance heard someone tell from the background.
Shiro sighed. "One second,"

Lance could hear Shiro move around and open what he assumed to be Keith's bedroom door. "What's wrong buddy?
"My tummy hurts. And I'm thirsty." He whined.
"Okay, I'll go get you some water okay?"
Shiro moved around again. "Back, sorry." He laughed.
Lance frowned a little. He didn't like hearing Keith like that. "Okay.. I'll leave him to you then?"

He didn't want to invite himself over. Especially since Keith had told him how excited he was to have a day with his brother. "No, you better come over."
"But Keith said you guys were having a day together..."
"We can't exactly do that when he's like this. We can do it next week, it's fine."
Lance smiled a little. "Okay, I'll be over in five minutes."
"See you then."

Lance walked back inside the house. "I gotta go." He told Jasmeen.
"Why? What's going on?"
"Keith's sick and driving Shiro insane."
Jasmeen laughed. "Alright, I'll tell mom where you went."
Lance grabbed his jacket from the coat rack and his keys from the counter. "Thanks sis, I owe you!"
"Yeah yeah, just buy me a brownie and we'll call it even."
Lance laughed. "Deal."

Keith was laying in bed with his phone watching a movie. He had convinced Shiro to give him some goldfish crackers, in which he happily munched on. Shiro had also gotten him a glass of water and some Tylenol. He had refused to take it. Keith had always hated medicine and refused to take it. It always came back to bite his ass. It always made him more sick then if he just took it. Shiro hoped Lance could make him take it.

Soon, Lance pulled into the driveway of Keith's house. He walked up and knocked on the door. It was quickly answered by Shiro. "Hey! Come on in."
Shiro opened the door and Lance walked inside. "Keith is upstairs. He's not doing the greatest."
Lance nodded and started heading towards the stairs. "Oh, and Lance."
Lance turned to him. "There is some Tylenol on his bedside table. See if you can make him take it."
Lance laughed at that. "I'll see what I can do."
He walked up the stairs and slowly opened Keith's door.

"I told you Shiro! I don't wanna take it!"
Lance smiled a little. "It's me princess."
Keith looked up. He didn't look good at all. His face had gone even paler. His cheeks were flushed pink and he sounded stuffed up. "Lancyyyy!" He smiled.
Lance looked at him shocked. Okay, so Shiro wasn't exaggerating. "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" He sat down next to Keith. Keith smiled and sat up, pausing his movie. "I'm gooooood!"
Lance smiled and brushed his bangs away from his eyes. "Good." He said softly.
Keith smiled brightly And hugged him. Keith's skin was really hot as Lance hugged him back. "Baby, your burning up."
Keith giggles. "I know I'm hot."
Lance snorted. "Oh god, your turning into me."
Keith giggles and nuzzled him.

Lance looks over and saw the Tylenol Shiro was talking about. "Hey Princess, you should take the medicine."
"Noooooooo!!! It's yucky!" He stuck his tongue out.
"It will help your fever baby..."
Keith shook his head. Lance sighed, and then smiled. "Oh well... guess I won't give you cuddles then."
There was no way Lance planned on being that cruel. But Keith didn't know that. His eyes widened. "B-But..."
"No buts."
Keith whimpered and looked over at the Tylenol. He then looked up at Lance. Lance hated the sad looks he was giving him. But he stood his ground.

Keith looked over and picked up the liquid medicine. Lance held onto his hand as Keith drank it. He made a grossed out face and put the empty cup back down. "See? That wasn't so bad." Lance smiled.
"It's gross! I hate it!" Keith whined.
"I know baby, but it will help you feel better."
Lance pressed a kiss on his head. Keith whined and buried his face in Lance's chest. Lance smiled and wrapped his arms around Keith. Keith yawned and nuzzled into Lance more.
Lance softly stroked the sick boy's hair. "You should try and get some sleep hon. Keith wanted to say no. He didn't feel like sleeping but his body had other plans. He was already slipping into sleep.

Lance chuckled and kissed his head. "It's okay sweetheart. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Keith nodded and let his eyes close. He shivered a little from how cold he was. Lance quickly took off his green jacket and wrapped it around Keith's shoulders. The small boy's eyes opened enough to slip his arms through before closing again. Lance laid back against the bedframe with Keith. Keith was curled in a little ball with his head on Lances chest. He was already fast asleep. Lance smiled and pressed another kiss to his head. He was so fucking cute.

Shiro was downstairs in the kitchen. He was washing up some dishes when the doorbell rang. Shiro frowned a little. Usually it was Lance who showed up randomly. But Lance was currently upstairs with Keith. He dried his hands on a towel and walked to the door, opening it.

Standing outside was two red heads. They looked to be around Keith's age. The girl maybe a little younger. "Can I help you?" Shiro asked.
The girl beamed. "You must be Shiro! My name is Katie, and this is my brother Matt. We're friends of Keith. Lance told us he was sick, so we just brought his homework over!" She held out a few assignments to Shiro. Shiro was distracted when he made eye contact with Matt.

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