Little Monsters

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Veronica pounded on her ceiling. "LANCE! BREAKFAST!" She yelled.
Lance sat up in bed, suddenly very awake. He grumbled as he climbed out of bed. He threw on a random shirt and jeans with his favorite green jacket. He rubbed his eyes tiredly. Sure he was exhausted from being up so late yesterday. But did Lance regret it? Hell no. He walked down the stairs and walked into the washroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before going downstairs. "Attack!"
He was instantly jumped on by two little figures. Lance flopped on the ground while his little brothers climbed on top of him. "Oh no! They've got me!"
He held a hand out to Veronica. "V-V-Veronica, y-y-you were m-my l-l-least favorite."
He closed his eyes and played dead. Veronica rolled her eyes. "Love you to."
Marco and Luis laughed hysterically. "Jasmeen! Your next!" Marco warned.
Jasmeen was wearing her work uniform. All of them worked at their parents restaurant. Even Marco and Luis helped out. Being the eldest, it was her who took over while their parents being away. She was the only one who was out of school, and heading to college soon. "But I have the power of pancakes, that makes little pirates love me!" She cackles. 
"Pancakes!" Marco and Luis ran over to her as she placed plates for them on the table. "Lance, breakfast." She called.
"Can't i'm dead." He said dramatically.
Veronica rolled her eyes and walked over to Marco and Luis. "Well my pancakes have magical reviving powers! Otherwise your going to be late."
Lance looked up at the clock and sat up. "Oh shoot, Ronnie we gotta go!"
He grabbed his school bag and Veronica grabbed hers. "I'm going to Hunk's after school!" He called to Jasmeen.
"Alright, be home earlier tonight please!"
Lance ran out the door with Veronica calmly walking behind him. He climbed into his old beat up car. Technically it was Jasmine's old car, but she had given it to Lance and transferred the insurance papers to him. He still paid for it monthly, so it was all his. Veronica climbed into the passenger seat beside him. Lance backed out of the driveway and headed towards the school.

Keith had awkon early that morning. Pidge had said he could walk to school with her and Matt. By the time he was showered and dressed, they were waiting for him outside. He came out and closed the door behind him. "Gooooood morning!" Pidge chirped happily.
"Hey guys, thanks for letting me walk with you."
"Of course!" Matt nudged him. "Your one of us now."
Keith smiled. The trio began walking. "Ooooo! Matt, tell him the news!"
Matt smiled. "You know what happened yesterday? In the gym?"
"The one where my ankle could have been broken? Don't recall it."
Matt rolled his eyes. "I caught the whole thing on tape."
"Now we can expose those Jerk faces!" Pidge cackled.
Keith shrugged. "I don't know, it wasn't that big of a deal.
"That big of a deal? Like you said, your ankle could have been broken!" Matt exclaimed.
"But it wasn't. What's in the past is in the past. Just forget about it."
Pidge and Matt shared a look. There was no way either of them were going to drop this. But for Keith's sake they shrugged. "Alright then." Matt aid finally.

Lance pulled into the parking lot just as Keith, Pidge and Matt we're coming up to the front of the school. His face turned a dusty pink. "Woah you good there?" Veronica asked.
Lance cleared his throat. "Fine! Just fine!"
Sh followed his gaze and her eyes landed upon Keith. His long black hair and been brushed back into a messy ponytail. He was wearing extremely ripped black jeans with fishnets leggings. underneath. His shoes and shirt were a blood red and to tie it all together he wore a pair of beat up white sneakers and a zipped up black sweater. "Is that him?" She smirked.
She looked Keith up and down. "He is cute." She commented.
"Oh for crying out loud! Keep your nose in your own business!"
She jumped out of the car and sprinted over to them. "Veronica!"
Lance jumped out and ran after her.

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