The Truth

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Lance worriedly looked at Keith as the nurse looked over his ankle. She clicked her tongue, poking at the swollen skin. Keith grit his teeth together, letting slip a small whimper of pain. When Keith whimpered, Lance felt the instinct to shove the nurse away from him and hold Keith close. He took a deep breath, calming himself. Keith was fine. The nurse was helping him, it was fine. The nurse stoped poking at his ankle and stood, peeling off her gloves. "It's not broken or sprained, just swollen. He'll need to stay off of it for the rest of the day."
She turned to Lance. "Please make sure he gets home safely."
Then, the nurse walked from the room. Lance turned to Keith, a awkward expression on his face. "So, I'll take you home?"
Keith really wanted to argue. But his ankle was hurting like hell. Al he really wanted to do was go home and sleep. "Sure."
With Lance's help he stood. And hobbled out the door. While walking down the sidewalk, Lance tried to start a friendly conversation. "You just moved here?"
Lance looked around, the surrounds looking familiar. "Hey! We live in the same neighbourhood!"
Keith grimaced as his ankle hit the pavement for a brief second. "Goody."

Eventually Lance got Keith home. He helped Keith stumble up the steps of his house, and sit on the couch. "Do you need anything?" Lance asked.
"Could you get a ice bag from the freezer?"
"Of course!"
Lance walked into the kitchen, grabbing a ice bag from the freezer and wrapping it in a washcloth. He walked back to Keith, who had already elevated his ankle with a pillow. "Here."
Keith took the ice bag and placed it on his ankle, wincing a little. "That asshole!" He yelped through the pain. "Just because he couldn't take the fact I was winning!"
"Calm down, if you keep yelling your going to jerk you ankle."
"No shit Sherlock!"
"Look! I'm trying to help you here!"
"Well maybe I don't need your help!"
Lance froze at that. Keith's eyes glaring at him. He sighed and left to find the washroom. Once he did, he dug around in the medicine cabinet for a Advil. He filled a glass of water in the sink and walked back out to Keith. He held them out to him. As much as Keith wanted to throw the glass at Lance, his ankle was in so much pain that he swallowed his pride and took the pain medication.

Around a hour later Keith was passed out on the couch. Lance wanted to stay with him until his parents got home so he could explain what had happened, knowing Keith wouldn't. He looked over at the sleeping boy. His face was so peaceful. Like nothing could ever be wrong in the world. The sound of keys jingling filled the room. The front door opened and a young man cane in. He didn't look anything like Keith. He was tall and muscular, while Keith was short and lanky. The man was wearing a collard shirt, tie and was holding a brief case. He most definitely came from work. He took one look at Lance and then at Keith sleeping on the couch. "Good afternoon s..."
Before Lance could get another word out the man had him pinned against the wall. "Who are you?! What did you do to Keith!?"
Lance was taken aback. The alpha in front of him was growling dangerously. "Nothing! I didn't do anything!"
Keith slowly started to wake up grumbling. "For real Lance? I..."
He bolted upright when he saw Shiro holding g Lance up by his shirt. "Shiro! Let him go!"
"Why is there a alpha in our house Keith?!"
Keith tried to move but winced because of his ankle. Shiro noticed and freaked out. "He hurt you?! What did he do?!"
"Lance didn't do anything! He helped me home, some jerk messes up my ankle in gym, I needed to stay off of it so he walked me home!"
Shiro looked between the two boys, before dropping Lance on the ground. "I want him out, now!"
He turned and stormed from the room. Keith rolled his eyes, but he was obviously concerned. "Lance are you okay?"
Lance sat up on the floor. "Yeah, I'm good. But damn, what was that about?!"
Keith sighed. "I've had some... troubles with alphas."
Lance snorted. "As in one of them looked at you funny?"
"No Lance, one...."
Keith took a deep breath. Lance raised his eyebrow curious. "One raped me."

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