Hold Me Close

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Lance had held Keith close the entire night as the omega slipped in and out of sleep. Keith was scared and upset. Who could blame him? He didn't know what Lotor was planning. But now, he was going after his friends. He had never had friends before... he couldn't lose the ones he had now. Lance gently rubbed his arm and kissed his head. He could tell the omega was distressed.  It was making his inner alpha go crazy. He hated seeing Keith like this. But there was nothing he could do about it. When Keith did get some sleep, it was precious.  Lance sighed and gently stroked Keith's long raven coloured hair.

The front door rattled and Keith flitches in his sleep. Lance held Keith closer to his body. The logical thing would be to get up and see who it was. But like hell he was leaving Keith. Lance watched the door cautiously, getting ready to fight if needed. The door opened to revel Shiro. Lance relaxed his grip on Keith and sighed. Man, he needed to calm down. Maybe he and Keith both needed a break. Does that mean he was going to let his guard down and sleep? Hell no.

The boys awoke early the next morning to a phone ringing nonstop. Keith whined and buried his face in Lance's chest. Trying to ignore the noise. Lance groaned and looked over to see his phone ringing. He didn't want to answer it. Keith looked so cute and comfortable in his arms. He reached over and grabbed his phone, trying not to jostle him to much. He successfully grabbed his phone. Lance quickly answered it and brought it up to his ear, "Hell..."

"Lance! Donde demonios estas?!" (Lance! Where the hell are you?!)

"Mamma! Puedo oirte!" (Mamma! I can hear you!)"Llegas a casa este instante joven hombre! No me hagas conseguier el chancla!" (You come home this instant young man! Do not make me get the flip-flop!)

Lance's face went pale. "No! Estare en casa en veinte minutos, mamma! Espere hasta entonces!" (Do not! I'll be home in twenty minutes, mamma! Wait until then!)

Lance hung up the phone. Keith was awake at this point, looking up at Lance. "W-who was that?"

Lance smiled and stroked his hair. "Just my mama. She wants me home."

Keith looked at him sadly. "Do you have to go?"

Lance sighed and kissed his head. "I do baby. I can't leave my family. My parents just came home from a business trip." 

Keith looked at the ground. He was being selfish, and he knew it. But he couldn't always help but want Lance with him. That was just how omegas worked.

Lance bit his lip. It was already hard for an alpha to leave their omega. Keith wasn't making it any easier. With a heavy heart, Lance untangled Keith from his body and stood up. Keith stayed crumpled in a ball and whined. It hurt Lance more then he thought it would. He really did care about Keith... He sighed to himself. "Come on."

Keith looked up at him. "H-huh?"

"You're coming with me, now come on."

Keith smiled and sprung up, hugging himself to Lance's chest. "Thank youuuuu!"

Lance blushed and hugged him back. "Y-yeah, no problem."

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