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Keith walked down the hall to his locker. He couldn't help but notice everyone's eyes on him. It was brutally obvious they were staring. Keith had hoped he would just blend in and be under the radar, but apparently that was out the window. He stoped by his locker and opened it to put his binder away and grab his lunch. "Hello!"
Keith spun around to see Pidge, the girl he had sat next to in history class. "H-hi?"
She smiled a big smile. "I'm Katie, but everyone calls me Pidge. Your Keith, correct?"
Keith nodded. She coxed her head to the side. "You don't talk much, do you?"
"Is there something I can help you with?" He asked a little more harsher then he intended.
She raised a eyebrow. "Why, aren't you a little bottle of sunshine?"
Keith shrugged. "I try my best."
Pidge let out this adorable laugh that ended in a little snort. "I like you."
Without realizing it she let out some of her happy scent. It smelt of sweet peaches and strawberries, meaning she was most likely an omega. "So, you want to sit with me and my friends?" She asked.
Keith raised an eyebrow. "Why are you asking me?"
"Your a omega, like me. It's better to stick in groups."
"I can handle myself thanks."
Pidge snorted. "Besides the two of us there are only four other omegas in the school. The alphas here are pretty ruthless."
Keith sighed. As much as he wanted to show everyone he wasn't useless, he also didn't want a repeat of Lotor. "Okay..."
Pidge beamed. "Yay!!"
She grabbed Keith's wrist. "Come on, come on!"

Lance and Hunk sat at their usual table in the back of the cafeteria. They were waiting for the siblings to show up, it was no surprise they were late. "I'm here, I'm here!"
Matt practically collapsed onto the bench. "Woah, you good buddy?" Hunk asked concerned.
"I'm good, just sprinted here from the other side of the school."
Lance laughed. "It's not even that far."
"Maybe to you Mr. Captain of the soccer team." He mocked back.
Matt suddenly looked around shocked. "Where's my sister?"
Hunk's eyes widened. "We thought she was with you!"
Matt stood. "You mean she's by herself?! We need to find her!"
Lance nodded in agreement. As much as he want to tell Matt he was overacting, Lance knew he wasn't. Most of the alphas in this school were ruthless and didn't stop until they got what they wanted. The only alphas Matt was comfortable his baby sister being around was Lance and Allura. "Stop overeating."
Pidge walked over to the table, the new boy in tow.
Matt pulled his sister into a hug. "Never do that again, how many times have I told to to stick with one of us?!"
Pidge roller her eyes. "I'm fine! I wasn't even alone."
She gestured towards Keith. Matt looked him up and down intensely. "Umm, hi?" He waved.
Matt smiled. "Your a omega as well, correct?"
Keith groaned. "Is it that easy to tell?"
Pidge laughed. "You literally smell like honeysuckle and grapefruit. Those are most definitely omega scents."
Matt laughed at his displeasure. "I'm Matt, this is Hunk and Lance."
Hunk smiled and waved, and Lance finger gunned him. "Um, hello."
He sat down at the end of the table, away from everyone else. Pidge scooted into the seat next to Hunk. "So, are we still meeting today?" Pidge asked.
"Lance and I have soccer practice, but we'll be there!"
"Yup! Can't let down the McClain fans!" Lance smirked.
Keith rolled his eyes at his ego. Lance noticed this and narrowed his eyes. "Oh please emo boy, you think you could do any better?"
Keith took a bite of his apple before he spoke. "I don't need people."
Lance snorted. "Yeah, says every emo kid ever."
"You really like that word."
"What word emo k...." Lance stoped himself and glared at Keith.
"That's not fair!"
He shrugged in response. "Just stating facts."
Suddenly he felt someone's scent hit him like a highway truck. It smelt of the fresh ocean breeze with a hint of lemon. It smelt like a omega scent, but it was definitely coming from Lance. Keith snorted. "You trying to catch my attention or something lover boy?"
Lance flushed red. "I'm not, I wasn't, how could... shut up!"
Pidge and Matt started laughing hysterically, while Hunk gave his friend a confused smile. Keith just sat there with a smirk on his face. "You know what Kingston?!"
"It's Keith.."
"Whatever! Fuck you dude!!"
Keith raised a eyebrow. "Didn't know you wanted me that bad, but okay."
He mockingly pretended to take his shirt off, earning another laugh from Pidge. "Your a asshole!"
"I know."
The bell rang, interrupting their conversation. "And that's my cue to leave."
Keith stood and grabbed his bag. "Thanks for inventing me Pidge."
He then turned and walked off.

Lance was a blushing mess as he and Hunk walked to class. "Who does that Kacee dude think he is?"
"Lance, his name is Keith..."
"Whatever! His name isn't the priority here!"
Hunk sighed. "Lance, it's okay to have feelings for guys."
Lance snorted. "I'm not gay dude, you know that! I've had girlfriends in the past!"
"I'm not saying you are."
Lance stopped walking and turned to his best friend. "Then what are you saying?"
Hunk opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly.
"I know Lance."
Lance turned back to him confused. "Know what?"
Hunk gave him a sad smile. "You can't keep lying to yourself, you need to except who you are."
Lance scratched his head. "I'm really confused here buddy."
Hunk sighed. "Your bisexual Lance."
Lance looked at him shocked. "H-how did you..."
"I always knew." He smiled at Lance. "Did you really think you could hide this from your best friend?"
Lance sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I should have told you, but I was scared you wouldn't think of me the same."
Hunk placed a hand on his shoulder. "I would never make fun of you for being you. There is nothing wrong with liking both girls and boys. To me, you will always be Lance."
Lance smiled, and hugged his best friend tightly. "Thanks Hunk, That means a lot."
"Of course! Your practically my brother! And speaking of which...."
He broke away from the hug to look at Lance, a mischievous glut in his eyes. "Keith, huh?"
Lance instantly flushed. "W-what! N-no! I barely know the guy! There is no way I have feelings for someone I literally just met today!"
Hunk looked at him confused. "But, you do.."
"And that's the problem! I don't know a fucking thing about this guy! And yet my heart is already getting attached!"
Hunk smiled at his friend. "Then get to know him! He seamed pretty cool at the lunch table."
Lance smiled. "Y-yeah..."
Hunk placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can do this Lance. Just become his friend, get to know him as a person."
Lance gave him a determined look. "Your right Hunk! That's exactly what I'm going to do! I'm ready!"

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