More Tears

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Lance parked his car in the student parking lot. Keith opened the passenger door and climbed out, grabbing his bag. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest. He couldn't even describe how much he didn't want to do this. Lance climbed out as well and looked at Keith. The smaller boy was trying his hardest not to cry. He was biting down on his lip really hard, and his eyes had a wet sheer on them. Lance didn't like seeing him like that. Without thinking he reached out and took Keith's hand in his own. Keith looked up at him, confused. Lance gave him a comforting  smile. "I told you, I'm not leaving you."

Keith couldn't help the tears that started to roll down his pale face. "Hey..."

Lance pulled him closer into a warm embrace. Keith hid his face in Lance's chest. He wasn't sobbing, but tears were rolling down his face. He didn't want to admit it,but  he was scared out of his mind. He didn't want to go near Lotor ever again. He didn't want him to say his name, he didn't want him to touch him, he didn't want him to ever do what he did ever again.

Lance kept rubbing Keith's Back and held him close. He didn't like seeing Keith so distort. Keith kept his face in Lance's chest and he could feel his tears running down his shirt. Lance gently stroked his hair. "Everything is going to be fine... I promise."

Keith nodded but kept his face in Lance's chest. Lance kissed the top of his head gently. Keith couldn't help but smile a little. He didn't know why, but he felt so safe in Lance's arms. And when he kissed him... he felt butterflies in his stomach. Like everything in the world suddenly felt so right. Lance and Lance alone could make him go from a crying mess to a normal human again.

Lance looked down at the mess of raven hair in his arms. "You okay?"

Keith nodded and looked up at him. His face was covered in tear stains and his cheeks were flushed. Lance could feel himself blush in response. Who gave Keith Kogane the right to be so f*****g cute?! Keith took a deep breath. Lance was messing with his brain. He couldn't stand it any longer. All this teasing, the little puppy dog looks they gave each other.. Keith had had enough. He looked up into Lance's eyes. Lance could tell what was going on and his breath hitched. He moved his hands down to rest on Keith's waist. Keith stood up on his toes to reach Lance's face and gently placed his lips onto his.

He immediately melted into a puddle. Lance's lips were soft and he was craving more. Lance couldn't believe this was happening. Keith wasn't fighting him on this. Lance moved his lips against Keith's. He really needed to learn what lip balm was. His lips were rough, but Lance honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Keith pulled away from him, catching his breath. Lance also took a moment to catch his breath. The two boys were smiling at each other like lovestruck idiots. "W-wow..." Keith exhaled.

Lance chuckled, not letting go of Keith's waist. Keith smiled at him, his cheeks flushing bright pink. "C-can I..?"

Lance's face turned pink. He seriously couldn't take how cute Keith was at that moment. "Can you what?"

Keith bit his bottom lip. "K-kiss you again?"

Lance smirked and  pulled him closer. "I mean... I wouldn't stop you."

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