Help Me

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Lotor stares at Keith was a smug grin. Keith slowly backed up from him. Pidge noticed the look of sheer panic on his face. "Who are you?" She asked.
"That's none of your business omega." Lotor spat.
"Don't you talk to my sister like that!" Matt snarled.
He took Pidge and Shays hands, keeping them behind himself. "I can talk to them however I wish, after all... they can't do anything." He leaned into Keith's face and he whimpered.
"Stop!" Pidge yelled.
"Oh?" Lotor looked over at her. "You want to do something about it? Keith is mine."
Keith found his voice. "No,"
"I'm not yours, not anymore."
Lotor looked over at him, venom in his gaze. "What did you just say to me?"

Lance and Hunk were laughing in the change room when suddenly Hunk winced. "Hunk?!" Lance asked worried.
"S-Shay, she's in trouble!"
Lance's eyes filled with worry. He threw on his sneakers. "Let's go!"
The two sprinted down the hall to the front of the school. There they saw a boy who looked around there age. He was leaning over Keith, smiling evilly. He was whispering things in his ear and Keith was visible shaking. Matt has Pidge and Shay behinds him and was trying to get the guy away from Keith. He was definitely an alpha, Matt wasn't strong enough to move him away. Lance sprinted over and shoved the guy. He stumbled backwards, but caught himself before he could fall over. Lance grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him behind himself. He stared at the other male, growing. As far as his Wolf was concerned, Keith was his. He could feel Keith cling onto him shaking. That was the only thing stoping Lance from practically murdering the alpha in front of him. "What do you think your doing?" He snarled.
Hunk ran over and hugged Shay close, and Matt kept Pidge behind himself. Lotor stood and smirked. "Your pack only has one alpha? Weak."
"Who said there was one?"
Allura walked up to them, standing beside Lance. "I suggest you get lost before we rip your head off." She threatened.
Lotor looks up at them and laughed. "Fine. But I'll be seeing you soon, classmates." He walked away. "What a creep!" Allura huffed.
Lance turned around to Keith. "Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?"
Keith but his lip, trying to keep from crying. Lance hugged him quickly. "Hey, it's okay.."
Tears ran down Keith's face. Everyone stared at him. It was so weird to see Keith cry. He was always so hard and tough. Lance knew Keith hated other people to see him cry. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" He whispered to him.
Keith nodded, holding back his sobs. "Okay."
He took Keith's hand and led him back into the school. The changing room would definitely have boys in it still, so Lance led him into Mr.Coran's history room. The kind hearted teacher had recently but a couch in the back for students to read at. Lance walked into the room with Keith, he closed the door and locked it. Shutting the blinds on the little window. He took Keith into the back and sat down on the couch with him. "You okay?"
Keith's bottom lip quivered and he started crying. "Hey, it's okay. Come here."
He gives Keith a hug. Keith sobbed into his shoulder. Lance felt so helpless watching him cry. He wanted to help Keith, but he didn't even know who that guy was! Lance rubbed his back. "Your okay, I'm right here.."
Keith griped onto him tightly, his arms shaking. Lance strokes his hair. "Shhh, it's okay. Your okay."
He gently kissed the top of his head. When he did, Keith's sobs slowly started to fade away. Lance still held him in his arms, running his fingers through his soft raven hair. "Do you know who that was?" Lance asked softly.
Keith nodded. "Who is he?"
"H-h-h-He's the one, the one.."
"Who raped you?"
Keith nodded frantically. Lance pulled him closer. Keith started crying again. "He won't touch you again. Not while I'm here, okay?"
Keith nodded. "None of this is your fault Keith, it's all his fault."
Again he nodded. Lance rubbed his back, keeping Keith's face buried in his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll never let him touch you again."
He said the last sentence with what could only be described by a fire in his tone. It scared Keith, but at the same time it made him feel safe. He clung onto Lance like a terrified child, afraid if he let go the other male would disappear. Lance hugged him tightly. "Let's get you home, okay?"
Keith nodded.

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