Helping To Heal

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Keith opened his eyes the next morning. His vision was still blurred from sleep, but he could feel something wrapped around him. His vision started to clear and he looked over at what was holding him. He was sleeping on his side and was surprised to see Lance beside him, his arms wrapped around his torso and his face resting so close to his neck he could feel his lips against it. Keith squaked. What was he to do?! Just sit there? There wasn't much else he could do. So Keith sat there very still, trying not to wake him. He looked up at his alarm clock. 12:47 pm. Guess they weren't going to school. It was Friday today, meaning he didn't have to deal with Lotor until Monday. Lotor... the name alone made him want to cry. Who wouldn't? He had taken Keith's virginity. He didn't want it. He wasn't ready. But he refused to listen, to care. He never loved him. If he did, he would have waited for him. All Lotor was concerned about was himself. Never how Keith was being hurt or suffering. As long as he got what he wanted he didn't care. Tears began to fall down his face again. He couldn't help it. The tears fell onto Lance's hand, waking him up. "K-Keith?"
Keith didn't say anything. Knowing if he did it would cause him to bawl. Lance sat up a little, and looked over to see Keith. He quickly registered how distraught the other boy looked. "Hey..." he turned Keith to face him. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Keith took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes. "F-fine."
Lance looked at him in disbelief. "Keith, your crying.."
"I said I'm fine." He spat back rather harshly.
Lance sighed. "Whatever you say.."
Keith stood up from, the bed and walked over to the washroom. He walked in and slammed the door shut.
Lance's phone on the side table vibrated. He grabbed it and looked at the screen.

Pidge: Where are you?!

Lance: Sorry, I'm with Keith. He's not doing the greatest after yesterday.

Pidge: About that, That dirt bag is here. He came up to us at the start of the day asking for Keith. Allura and Hunk got him away from me and Shay very quickly.

Lance: Asshole! You guys okay? He didn't hurt you?

Pidge: No, we're all good. But damn he's creepy! How did Keith end up with that jerk face anyways?

Lance: No idea, He hasn't told me the whole story yet.

Pidge: We better find out soon, this guy isn't going to give up until he gets Keith.

Lance: That's NOT going to happen.

Pidge: It might..

Lance: ....

Pidge: We can't be sure Lance. We don't know what this guy is capable of.

Lance: Yeah, your right. We need a plan, and we need one now.

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