3- Bad Luck Boy

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Me and Liam walk into the kitchen for breakfast.

I cringe at what Harry is doing, "Jeff is gonna reek so bad." Liam read my thoughts. Harry was feeding Jeff his cereal by dunking his face in the milk.

"Harry, don't get milk on Jeff." Tracy warns, Harry smirks before fully dunking Jeff's face in the milk.

I laughed, "Hey Harry, after lunch does Jeff want to go on a roller coaster rider?" I ask, sitting in front of his high chair and feeding him his cereal.

Harry nods, "You're gonna play with a manky milk smelling giraffe? Remind me to stay far away from you until your next shower." Liam says in disgust.

"No I'm not gonna play with Jeff when he smells like that. A roller coaster is just sticking him in the washing machine. It goes round and round and round and round and....beep!" I move my finger in circular motions with every 'round', but when I said 'beep' I poke Liam's nose. He blinks and shoves my hand away, with a smirk.

"Can I have a ride too?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, sure." I shrug.

"What?! No! You can't put Harry in the washing machine!" Tracy scolds.

"Are you that dense? Do you not see that I'll protect this kid with my life?" I motion to Harry, "If I would take a bullet for him, why would I want to kill him in the washing machine?" Tracy shrugs.

"You are a very strange girl, Roxy." Liam laughs at the offended look on my face.

"Harry's version of the 'ride' is a piggy back and I run around in the wash room until the machine beeps and Jeff is done drying." I explain.

"Four minutes 27!" Toby yell.

"I'm on it!" Tracy calls back, grabbing the egg with a spoon, "Go! Liam toast!"

Tracy trips on a leg stool making the egg go flying. Reaching out, her hands grasp the egg and we all simultaneously let out a sigh of relief. Tracy places the egg in front of Toby and we all lean in slightly to watch his reaction when he opens it. "Perfect." He smiles brightly, grabbing the salt. The lid fell off, devouring the egg in salt.

"I'll make you another one." Tracy says, deflated.

"What's the point? I told you, from the day I was born, I'm jinxed." Toby complains.


I'm in the wash room with Harry on my back waiting for the washing machine to beep.

"You weren't kidding at breakfast, were ya?" I hear Liam say as he enters.

"You think I was lying?" I ask.

"Yeah, kinda." He shrugs.

"I am offended." I joke, "Oi, do us a favour and take Harry for a bit. I need to stretch my back."

"Only... if you say that I'm your best friend and you were so lonely before you met me." Liam smirks

" 'I'm your best friend and you were so lonely before you met me.' " I return the smirk, dropping Harry gently on the floor, "Go get on Liam for a bit."

"But I don't want Liam. I want you." Harry complains.

"But my back hurts Harry." I try reason, he did puppy dog eyes, "Fine, what do you want in return?"

He puts a finger on his chin as he thought. What a cutie. "I know! You have to sing a song, right now, please?" He smiles, getting on Liam's back.

"Um... I don't know Harry. I don't think Liam wants to hear that." I say, sheepishly.

"I definitely want to hear that." Liam gave me a genuine smile, which I return.

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