17- O'Donovan?

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I have been in Burnywood for just under a week, and so much has happened. I have been in a total of 8 fights, 6 screaming matches and have earned a lot of respect from most of the kids here.

Dennis -The care worker- absolutely hates my guts. He was 4 of the screaming matches. He is so strict. We're in prison basically. Locked in our rooms all day, except for meal time, which is 15 minutes and a bare amount of food. We get 1 hour of free time but everyone basically stays in their rooms. Dennis makes us do chores, and if we don't complete them then we don't get dinner. I learnt that the hard way.


I am currently in the garden hanging up the washing on the line. When I hear someone whistle.

My head snaps in the direction I think it came from. Nothing.

I shake my head. God, I think I'm going crazy.

Then, I hear a twig snap and another whistle. I look where it came from to see a figure hiding behind the bushes.

"Who's there?" Silence. "Hello?"

"You best come out here right now before I drag you out myself." I threaten.

"Woah, calm down Rox." I hear a familiar voice.

Wait... is it?

No it can't be.

"O'Donovan?" I ask confused.

"Who else?" He comes into the light so I can see his slightly dirty face.

A smile breaks out on my face as I rush towards him, flinging myself into his arms and instantly being lifted from the ground.

(You and Liam^^^^)

"Hello to you too." He laughs.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, leaving his embrace slightly, but keeping him at arms length.

"Well that's nice." He jokes.

"You know that's not what I meant." I playfully shove his shoulder.

"I wanted to see you." He admits. "I knew you'd be sent here. And Frank's fine as he is, with Pops."

"I missed you so much Liam." I smile.

"I missed you too crazy girl." He smirks.

However, that smirk falls into concern as he catches sight of my split lip. "What's this...?" He brushes his thumb over my lip.

"Its nothing, Liam." I reassure.


"Fine. I got in a few fights. I had to look after the others. Especially Carmen and Harry." I concede.

"How much is a few?" He asks.

"Like, 5 or 6.... or maybe 8." I mutter. "But its fine. You should've seen the other guy."

"I bet you showed him right up." He smirks.


Liam looks at me, like he's holding something back.

"What are you really doing here, Liam?" I ask.

"I already told you." He says.

"I know you did. And I believe you. But there's something else. What is it?"

"I want you to come with me." He admits.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"I want you to run away with me. Away from Burnyhell." He explains.

You And Me | Liam O'dononvanWhere stories live. Discover now