33- Take Me Home

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"Guys come on!" Gina leads everyone out because of the fire alarms going off.

"But all our stuff's up there!" Tee whines as I walk out behind Liam.

"This had better be a joke." Liam forcefully turns Tyler around.

"I didn't do nothing." Tyler denies.

I scoff, "Yeah, right."

"Just go on!" Gina tells us and everyone gathers around the bottom of the big Elm tree.

"Right!" Dennis booms. "Who set off the fire alarm?!"

"Me!" Elektra holds her hand up mockingly. "I just thought I should let you know that the er the attics on fire."

We all look at the smoking roof. Gina turns around and counts all of us before her face contorts in confusion, "Where's Harry?!"

I look around panicked. 

"He has a den in the attic." Tyler shrugs carelessly and my eyes bulge.

I kiss Liam's cheek before sprinting back in the house. "Roxy!"

I run up to the attic where the blazing fire is. "Harry! Haribo! Are you in here?!"

I start coughing due to all the smoke, so I pull my jump up over my mouth to try protect myself.

"Harry!" I move around try move around the fire but a flame spreads to a few of the cushions and spikes up in front of me. That stupid rule book was right!

"My notebooks! My notebooks! My notebooks!" I hear Gus yelling .

"Gus stop! Its not safe!" I shout. "They're fine! They're in a metal container! Just calm down!"

"Roxy! My notebooks!" Gus cries and leans on me.

"Its okay! Its okay!" I tell him and he starts to calm down until Dennis grabs him from behind and starts dragging him. "Put him down! He can't handle it!"

Dennis turns back to me and strikes me on my left cheek causing me to fall barely missing the fire. "For god's sake!" Dennis grabs me by my waist and starts dragging me as well.

"Let me go!" I scream. "I didn't find Harry! HARRY!"

Dennis drags the two of us all the way out of the house before pushing Gus to Gina and chucking me on the floor in front of Liam. "Oi!"

"Roxy!" Harry cheers.

"Oh my god!" I jump up and pull Harry into a hug and Liam comes up behind us. 

"What happened to your face?" Liam asks, looking at my left cheek.

"Dennis." I growl.

"You hit my girlfriend?!" Liam yells at Dennis.

"What?!" Mike and Gina look at him shocked.

"She's lying!" Dennis shakes her head.

"Gus was there, Gus?" We all turn to Gus who nods his head.

"Roxy stuck up for me and Dennis hit her." Gus recalls.

"He's hysterical! He doesn't know what he's on about." Dennis rolls his eyes.

"All our stuffs up there." Tee steps forward.

"Get back!"

Tee lands in a pile of mud and Johnny goes to her side to help her up. "What happened?"

"He pushed me." Tee says.

"You alright?" Johnny asks his sister.

"That's two kids you've hurt in the space of what, five minutes?" Liam states.

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