35- Mike And Gina's Offer

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I'm officially 20 weeks pregnant and 18 years old. I've had time to adjust to being back home and I've gotten better at being around everyone, I just have to remind myself that I'm home, this is my family and stress isn't good for the baby. I have a small bump now and I'm glad most of my clothes are baggy but I know I'm gonna need to go shopping soon. Urgh!

Me and Liam have side jobs now, only a few hours a week but its good pay and we need the money. Now I only go to scans that are important because they are really expensive. We get the council's money every month for support but its not much because they don't think it has anything to do with them. Arseholes!

The only Burneywooder still here is Tyler and he's a little menace, there's no doubt that Tyler and Johnny hate each other but its well entertaining.

Liam is very excited about the baby and I don't think reality fully set in until his second week of working, but none the less he wants this baby right now, he can't wait. He's even been reading pregnancy books and roped me into to doing a time lapse thing of the pregnancy where we take a photo of my stomach from the side to see the baby's growth.

Oh, me and Liam passed our driving licenses and Mike gave Liam his old car to fix up as a side project and then a birthday gift. Liam told him he couldn't except it but Mike insisted that he would take it to the tip, so Liam accepted it. He fixed it up at the garage and that's where he got his job.

But me and Liam only have a week or two left of living at Elm Tree before we have to leave and I'm kinda shitting myself.


I wake up on the sofa in someone's arms, I breathe in the familiar scent of my boyfriend and curl up to him more. "Rox?"

(You and Liam^^^^)

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(You and Liam^^^^)

I hum in response. "We need to get up. We've got to go to work."

"Awh!" I whine, sitting up lazily. Its not that I don't like my job, working at Casey's Diner has really helped us, its just I hate getting up in the morning. "Okay."

I sit up and we both leave to get changed in our work gear, but Mike stops us at the bottom of the stairs. "Um, Roxy, Liam? Can I have a word, in the office a minute please?"

"Sure." We nod. "But we've gotta get to work soon."

"Yeah, this will only take a few minutes. Me and Gina wanna offer you something." Mike says.

"Hey babes, have a seat, yeah?" Gina greets and motions to some seats in front of her desk. We cautiously sit down and look at them confused.

"What's going on?" Liam asks.

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