13- A Day At The Beach

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Its been a few weeks since my return from hell. The first week of being out of my room was a bit strange, I didn't like being around the boys as much as I used to. Only Liam and Harry. But I decided to suck it up and stop being a pansy. I'm almost fully healed. A few bruises remain but they don't hurt anymore and they're only visible if you look hard enough, so that's good. I ended up with one new scar, from Darren's belt buckle, but it's not as bad as others that I have.

Today we're going to the beach. This is my first time going to the beach, ever. I've been to pools when I was younger and taught to swim, but I was never taken to the beach.

In the van, I'm sitting next to Liam. I was gonna sit with Harry but he's sitting with Sapphire a few rows in front and Liam wouldn't shut up until I sat next to him. Loser.

Mike chose to bring the video camera to record highlights of the trip to the beach. Great idea right? WRONG! He gave it to Liam. As in O'Donovan.

Everyone was eager to head to the beach and Mike could tell, so he wasted no time and started to drive. Only to make it about a metre before Tee was sick. Yuck!

We all groaned simultaneously.


"Missed a bit." Liam comments as he films Tracy clean up the back of the seats.

"Urgh, it pongs! What did you eat, Tee?" I gag, stuffing my face in my shirt to mask the smell.

"Shut up!" Tracy throws the cloth -used to clean up the sick- at Liam. He instantly starts gagging and proceeds to throw it forward. I stifle a laugh trying to be discreet but fail as Liam hears it and turns to me.

"What you laughing at?" He smirks.

"I don't know what you're on about, O'Donovan." I shrug and look out the window, face still covered by my shirt.

"Why you covering your face for? It don't smell that bad anymore, Crazy girl." Liam asks, pointing at my shirt.

"Oh well. My shirt still smells better than this van." I state.

"Oh really?" He smirks at me.

"Yep." I pop the 'p'. I take my shirt down and smell the air, "Yeah, right now I just smell your mankiness and a hint of sick. I think I'll stick with my shirt."

"Mankiness? I'm offended." He says dramatically.

"As you should be." I nod at him, trying to keep a straight face.

"What makes your shirt so much better than my smell?" He asks.

"My shirt smells like me." I shrug.

"Oh yeah?" He smirks, I nod. Suddenly, he starts tickling me.

I squeal, "Liam stop!"

"No, you insulted me!" He says. "Take it back!"

"I don't w-want to l-lie though!" I joke, giggling like crazy.

"How rude!" He exclaims, then starts tickling faster.

"Aww, how cute!" Our heads whip round to see Tracy smiling and pointing the camera right at us.

"Tracy!" We both complain.

"What? I was just filming some highlights." She says innocently.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever." I reach down into my backpack and pull my perfume out.

Liam looks at me confused as I hand it to him. "My perfume. Smell it." I demand.

He cautiously removes the lid and smells the cap of it, "Smells better then you, doesn't it?" I smirk.

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