14- Amanda Returns

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Me and Liam were sitting in my room when Lily burst in. "Some lady's downstairs and is having a go with Mike!" She exclaims, before bolting out my room and downstairs.

Me and Liam look at each other with matching smirks before simultaneously standing up and bolting downstairs to see everyone else watching the scene too.

"What's going on?" I ask Frank.

"I have a right to see MY daughter!" A familiar voice booms. Amanda?

I look at Liam nervously and he seems to understand why. I push past everyone until I'm at the front of the group, Liam right behind me, as my theory is proven right. In the doorway stood Amanda Sullivan.

See my dreams all die
From where you're standing...

"The hell you doing here, Amanda?" I ask, loudly to be heard over the two adults.

"Roxy, go back upstairs." Mike demands quietly.

"Back to using 'Amanda' are we?" Amanda says.

"What do you want me to call you? Mum?" I raise an eyebrow, I see a few people tense once it finally clicks who she is, some of the younger kids cower back behind us as they remember the state I was in when I returned from living with her. "Well you lost that title years ago, when you abandoned me!"

She rolls her eyes, "I never abandoned you."

I scoff, "Oh that's right. You just left me for 10 years and didn't even try to communicate, at all. Not even a birthday card to tell me you were thinking about me."

"Maybe we should take this somewhere more private." Mike suggests.


We are seated in the meeting room in silence, unaware of the door being open slightly allowing everyone to hear if we spoke loud enough.

"Why'd you leave?" Amanda asks.

"Why didn't you care about me?" I retort.

"Answer my question." She demands.

"You know exactly why I left." I scoff.

"Clearly I don't." She says, annoyed.

"Well for starters, where were you?" I ask, rhetorically. "Oh that's right. You were getting high or drunk! Then there's Darren."

"What about Darren?" She asks.

"He abused me!" I raise my voice slightly.

"Don't be so dramatic." She scoffs.

"Dramatic? DRAMATIC!? He abused me and he raped me!" I shout.

"LIAR!" She shrieks.

I felt like I couldn't breathe...

"I'm not lying!" I defend.

"He wouldn't do that! Not to my little girl!" She argues.

"I'm not your little girl!" I snap, "And believe me, he did."

"Fine! Why didn't you tell me?" She folds her arms over her chest.

"He was your boyfriend. You were 'in love'. I didn't want to ruin that." I say, quietly.

"Why not?" She asks, copying my volume.

"Because believe it or not I actually care some what about you, funnily enough." I admit.

"Yeah right." She scoffs, "You wanna stop lying."

"I'M NOT BLOODY LYING!" I defend. "And anyway, I did go to you. I went to you. I spoke to you. I warned you about what he was doing to me."

You And Me | Liam O'dononvanWhere stories live. Discover now