20- Money, Money, Money!

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Me, Liam, Toby and Frank are in the garden playing with the football. Liam gets ready to kick the ball but when he does completely misses as he gets distracted by a siren. 

"What was that?" Liam asks.

"A siren, dipstick." I answer.

We all run into the bushes. "Toby, Rox, go get the ball."

"Yes sir!" I mockingly salute Liam and make my way to where the ball went.

As me and Toby find it, a black duffel bag is thrown at us and we look up to see a retreating figure. "Oi mate! I think you dropped something!" I shout after him, but he just carries on running. Weird.

Me and Toby jump when we feel a hand touch our backs. "Ah!"

"What's going on? What're you doing?" Liam asks.

"Where'd he go?!" Toby asks frantically.

"Who?" Frank asks.

"The bloke who left that." I point to the duffel bag.

We all crouch around it, but when Liam goes to touch it I stop him. "Wait, it could be drugs or something. Maybe we should just leave it."

"I doubt someone would leave drugs here, Rox." Liam says, and carries on opening the bag. When its open we see money, lots of it.

"Why the hell would you dump this?" I ask.

"This has to be dodgy." Toby says. "You don't just dump a bag of cash if its legit."


"They can't ask for it back then." Liam smirks.

"We can't just take it, that's stealing." Toby states.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers. That's the law." Frank responds.

"You don't actually think that's a law, do you?" Toby asks. "Roxy?"

"I think we should take it. We need it more then that random bloke." I shrug and stand up with the ball. "But its up to you three."

"The point is, the guys a crook. So we deserve it more than him, right?" Liam adds.

"But what if he comes back?" Toby counters.

"Good point. Lets get this stuff inside. Come on." Liam picks up the bag and starts to walk away, with us three on his tail.

We crouch by the wall when we see Tracy come out the door with bin bags. "Toby, distract her and get to the front door as soon as you can." Liam whisper shouts.

"What? How am I meant to do that?" Toby whispers back.

I roll my eyes, "I'll go with him."

"Alright." Liam nods.

Me and Toby get up and casually walk to the back door. "Hi Tracy!"

"Alright, Trace." I nod to her.

"Hi." She smiles.

Once we get to the steps I stop Toby and whisper, "Act like you're in pain and say I kicked you and you fell into the step."

"What?" He asks.

"Do it numbskull!" I hiss.

"Argh! Oh!" Toby shrieks.

Tracy jumps up, "What's happened?"

"Roxy kicked me! And made me fall into the steps!" Toby fake cries.

Tracy gives me a stern look. "Hey, don't look at me. It ain't my fault he walked into my foot just as I was doing leg exercises." I hold my hands up in defence.

You And Me | Liam O'dononvanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora