29- Honey, I'm Home!

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I walk into the police station and go straight up to the front desk where a man with tanned skin and dark hair sat behind. "Can I help you miss?"

"Um yeah. I'm Roxanne, Roxanne Vanderwaal. I got a sentence at the Ashfield Juvenile Detention Centre today and I believe this is the place." I tell the officer.

I can be tough, I can be strong

"Alright. Take a seat over there whilst I bring up your file on my computer." He instructs.

I nod and head over to the grey plastic chairs. 

After a few minutes, another officer comes out with their handcuffs ready as they approach me. On instinct I stand up. "Roxanne Vanderwaal?"

"Yeah that's me." I nod to the officer.

"Well Miss Vanderwaal, as you know you're under arrest for theft and destruction of property." The officer states, forcefully turning me around and cuffing me.

You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now, I wish you were here


A female officer uncuffs me and makes me put both my arms up at my side so she can pat me down, "Are you injured or intoxicated?"


"Empty your pockets and hand your belongings over to my colleague. Take off all jewellery and your shoes and socks." The officer instructs and points to the other female officer who is holding open a clear belongings bag for me.

I take my rings off and feel around my neck before realising I left my locket in Liam's room. I put my rings in the bag and pull my pockets inside out to show I don't have anything in them except some bubblemint gum that also goes in my bag.

I crouch down and untie my laces, then take my shoes and socks off and hand them over to the officer with all my belongings.

"Do you have a drug history of any kind?"

"No ma'am."


"No ma'am."

"Body piercings?"

"Just my ears."

"Gang affiliations?" I raise an eyebrow at her. "Are you in a gang?"

"No ma'am."

"And are you in any way suicidal?"

"No ma'am."

"Okay. This is a Prison Rape Eliminations Act questionnaire." She hands over a clipboard with a sheet and a pen attached to it. "Fill it out over by those chairs."

I take a seat and begin to fill out the PREA.


After filling out the form I'm taken to get my photo taken from all angles and have my finger prints and my injection done. Then I have to give a urine sample.

After all the medical stuff is taken care of, I go into another room and am told to strip down and hand every piece of clothing on me over to another officer to be bagged and put with my other stuff. 

"Bend over." The officer instructs me to do whilst I'm naked.


"Bend over." She says more forcefully and puts rubber gloves on.


'Don't ask questions.' Liam's voice rings through my head so I keep my mouth shut and do as I'm told. The officer touches me up and tears instantly fall down my face.

You And Me | Liam O'dononvanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum