27- The Scare Game

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Me and Liam walk into the living room to try find out what happened with Lily and her dad earlier today. "...So I never even got the chance to talk to him."

"That's a shame." Tee says awkwardly.

"He's not gonna turn up here, is he?" Johnny asks worriedly as Liam sits on the arm of the chair and I stand at his side, his arm loosely wrapped around my waist. "I mean, Tee was terrified last time."

"You were scared too." Tee protests. Who was this guy?

"Why? What'd he do?" Elektra asks the question that's on my mind.

"He came back to get me and the girls." Lily says briefly.

"He was off his face!" Liam exclaims. "Tried to kick the door down, then smashed the window."

"It took three policemen to carry him into the van." Gus adds.

"You can't trust parents." Liam states.

"Yeah, they're a waist of space." I agree.

"Yeah, I mean, freaking you out like that, then running away. That's not what proper dads do." Johnny shakes his head.

"None of you have got dads!" Lily disagrees.

"I do." I hold my hand up.

"Yeah and where is he?!"

"Leave it out Lily." Liam defends me.

"In prison ain't he?! For causing all those scars on your back! He almost killed ya!" She exposes.

"Shut up, Kettle!" I raise my voice.

"None of you know what it's like to have a dad like mine!" She storms out.

"You could have been a bit nicer." Carmen stands up to follow her.

"What'd I do?" I mutter.

"You okay?" Liam asks me.

"Yeah, I should've kept my mouth shut." I say.

"No, you did nothing wrong." Tee says reassuringly.

"Yeah, you just stated a fact." Johnny adds.

"And look where that got me." I shake my head and walk over to the pool table.

"What does 'freaking out' mean?" Gus asks.

I look up from where I was setting the balls up to see a growing smirk on Liam's face when Frank walks in, "RA!"

"Argh!" Frank shrieks, earning a laugh from me and Liam.

"Scaring someone." Gus notes.


"Roxy!" Lily calls, stopping me and Liam in our tracks. I roll my eyes before turning around.


"Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier." She apologises.

"As you should." Me and Liam say in sync.

"I know it was wrong." She starts. "But I need to ask you something. Where'd you think my dad went?"

"I don't have a clue." I shake my head dismissively.

"She ain't even met the geezer." Liam adds.

"Alright, where would you look if your dad turned up and then did a runner?" She questions.

"I wouldn't." I say bluntly.

"But if you did?"

"Oh, I don't know. The station, hospital, boxing club, pub, gutter." I shrug.

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