Finish Line

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Sam was buzzing with excitement, checking over every last detail of her bike before the race, same as the other riders. Every piece and part looked prime, a good engine revving, proving there were no catches or strikes. She caught herself glancing at Hoseok as she did her checks, both of them giving goofy grins every time she caught him looking at her as well. A few other riders came by to give her a sportsman-like greeting on their way to their starting positions, Sam greeting others as she walked her bike to the leader's slot. 

"Best of luck, Hope," she sing-songed as she strode by confidently, "You'll need it."

"Back atcha, Maze," Hoseok chuckled, "Hope you like seeing me from behind as much as you do the front." 

All of the racers were in their starting places: Helmets on, eyes focused, engines running. Yoongi took his spot at the top of the tower, his white track suit making him look like a shining beacon, even in the dimming sunlight. He lifted his hand in the air to quiet the sizable crowd of spectators, his other arm around the waist of the very pretty girl who lifted a checkered flag at the same time. He smiled to the crowd, hating how all eyes were on him, yet loving the respect he commanded with just one hand. After a long few minutes of complete silence other than the idling bike engines, he kissed the cheek of the flag girl and pulled the trigger of the gun in his hand before he dropped his arm dramatically, causing her to giggle and wave the flag excitedly. 

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now