Winning (Or Winning?)

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"Son of a bitch!" Hoseok cursed, easing off the throttle and edging on the brakes, "There's no fucking way!"

Sam drove her bike around him in large circles, wordlessly gloating over her less-than-a-second win. Hoseok stayed on his ride, seething behind his helmet so hard he started fogging up the tinted face shield. He couldn't believe she had beat him. He had her at the last corner, he knew he did, but she somehow tucked her tiny fairy body in on her bike and took the corner hard, pulling ahead again on the final stretch.

Jimin pulled up beside him, reaching over and slapping the fuel tank to get his attention, "You still have the slip so far, man! It's your favorite starting place, anyway!'

"I don't care about pole sitting, Sweets," Hoseok took off his helmet and brushed back his sweaty hair, "I care about beating the best. I care about wiping the smug smile off of Maze's pretty little face!"

The both of them looked over, watching as Max laughed while being twirled in a circle by a blonde, muscular man covered in tattoos from underneath long shorts and a short-sleeved button down. Hoseok scowled at the both of them, gripping his handlebars until his knuckles hurt.

"They're cousins, dude," Jimin smirked, "Loosen up, before you break a tooth."

"He makes her smile," Hoseok gritted through his teeth, "I don't want her to smile."

"Like, at all?" the younger asked, eyebrow quirked, "Or, like, because it's not you?"

Hoseok slammed his helmet back onto his head, starting his bike and revving it obnoxiously before speeding out of the circle and onto the freeway. He was smart as he could be with a head full of confusion and rage at least. He stayed just over the speed limit, just fast enough to look like another hotdogging biker, but not so fast as to raise suspicion or call attention to the fact that races had gone on just outside the city minutes earlier. His blood boiled as he remembered losing the race, the cheerful way Maze had driven circles around him both figuratively and literally, the way she smiled without a care in the world as she was pranced around proudly by the most notorious member of their society.

Her sassy fucking mouth and juicy ass and thighs. The way her Games team was rocketing past deadlines when his Softwares team was barely making them. The ease in which she fell into a role of leadership, charming every higher up that she talked to, even the most conservative ones. 

He hated her. 

He wanted her. 

He wanted to win.

He just needed to take her down a notch.

Smiling, he thought of just the way.


Hoseok strutted into the office, his grey suit and vest complimenting the off-white button down underneath. He didn't wear a tie, but rather had the top two buttons of his shirt undone, keeping it classy and professional while still putting his sharp collarbones on display. 

He frowned when Max continued to work, not even bothering to acknowledge his presence, covering it quickly by clearing his throat as he sauntered over to his desk. He leaned back in his chair, waiting for Max to look up, and tilted his chin into his hand that was propped up on the wood. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had a plan and nothing was going to stop him from throwing Miss Maze off her game.

But...then Sam stood up.

All rational thought sprouted wings and took flight as she stood and stretched her arms above her head. Her dress was overalls style, tight over her chest and torso while pleated on the bottom and hanging just above her knees. Her green and black striped sweater barely hung off of one shoulder, and Hoseok seriously doubted it would cover her bellybutton if it weren't hidden under the bib of the dress Her Doc Martens were a matching shade of sparkling green that laced all the way up her curvaceous calves. Her pink and black hair was pinned away from her face in a tiny pompadour that sat cutely in front of a high ponytail, cat-eyed glasses perched precariously on her pert little nose. Plump, rosy lips pursed into a pout as she stretched, and Hoseok felt himself shift uncomfortably as his eyes raked over her from head to toe and back again.

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now