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Sam was in heaven, fingers digging into her skin and teeth pulling at her neck as she rode hard and fast on the cock buried deep inside of her. Her makeup was smeared, a reddened mark decorating the outside of her upper thigh, her hair a mess from the times and direction it was pulled...but she still wasn't about to back down. 

She pushed her hands at the back of the couch on either side of Hoseok's head, "Let's get this straight," she growled, grabbing his jaw harshly when he tried to bury his face into her neck again, "Hobi...mmm...I fuck who I want." She glared at him as his eyes narrowed and he slammed her harder and faster onto him, "This ass...it belongs to me. I take it where I want, when I want...I share it with who I want."

His smile was insidious, "You keep telling yourself that, Kitten," he breathed, "But we both know you couldn't share this pussy even if you wanted to." He wrapped his arms around her tightly , holding her still and flush to his chest, "Tell me, Little One," he braced his feet and fucked up into her at a brutal pace, "Which of those boys is going to fuck you like this?" He grinned, licking a stripe up to her ear, "Can you even remember their names right now?"

 He felt her tremor before he heard her voice, "H-Hobi, fuck! You feel so fucking good!"

"What was that? Who?'

"You!' she shouted, body shaking hard as she threw her head back, "You're fucking me so good! I...I'm..."

He cut her off with a bruising kiss, biting her lip as he felt her clench and throb around him, pulling him over the edge with her. He gave a few hard thrusts, stilling in her with a groan of finality, their pulses pounding at the places they marked one another in the heat of their passion. They relaxed sloppily into one another, resting quietly for a time before Sam looked up at Hoseok with a blank face.

"I'm not yours, Hope," she pulled back as his face shifted from blissful to angry. "I'm serious," she continued, "Great sex and rage fucking aside, you don't own me and I'm not one of your toys."

"You are," he declared plainly, "Mine, I mean."

Sam rolled her eyes, getting off of him and pushing her skirt back into place, "That's something you ask, Hobi, not tell."

Hoseok, jumped up, catching her just as she reached the fridge, "Give me a break, Kitten," he cooed, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I've never had to ask before." He spun her around and held her tightly, "Will you, though? Can this be an us thing, and not an us and them thing?"

Her gaze softened, "Do you even know how to do that?" She smiled, "I...like what we're doing...but I'm not going to hold you to anything you're aren't sure you can handle." She played with an unfastened button on his shirt, "I want to be honest here. If you want to keep your options open, that's fine and I can respect that...but," she looked up at him with fear in her eyes, "I want to have the freedom to do the same. I'm not going to put my feelings where they don't belong."

"Kitten," he smiled warmly, making her heart jump, "I don't need options." He pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head, "What else could I possible be looking for?" His hands spread across her back, "Hot...smart...talented...a total badass..." he leaned in closer, his breaths fanning over her cheek, "Always willing to put me in my place." His teeth grazed her ear slowly, "And no one gives it up like you, Babygirl."

"S-so..." Sam breathed unsteadily, reacting to his touch quicker than she would have liked, "What are we doing, Hope?"

"Playing?" his voice was like honeyed butter, "Seeing where this goes? But...you know..." he smiled against her throat, "Just...us."

Sam was sure she must have had her brain rattled one too many times during sex with the man in front of her, but damned if she wasn't falling for him. More than his incredible prowess in bed, which was both creative and plentiful, Sam had to admit that she had seen sides of Hoseok that she never expected. He was sweet and kind, a man that she had watched help an old man across the street and stopped to check on a child who fell in the park. He was gentle, like when they played with puppies looking to be adopted in a box outside of the office. He was attentive, knowing when she needed to take a break from working or when she hadn't consumed enough water for the day. He cooked for her, proudly displaying his creations and smiling with his cocksure arrogance when she vocalized her appreciation. He was youthful and endearing, always with a hand on her when he was near or his arms around her in his home or hers, even when they weren't entangled passionately.

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now